加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息"women's boxing" organization


1Extreme "female boxing" manipulates Xiaobai and attacks the Internet in all aspects

The opinion in an article on the public account "Echo Sounds": The male "home owner" holds the rescue resources, and the "charitable funds" and "materials" to improve the situation of women are not used for women. In this way, it is believed that the status of male and female families is unequal in society, thereby attacking male rights and government agencies and the who will system. Feminist power fighting back against male power has always been the norm, and many feminist rhetoric today does indeed escalate from attacks on sexism to attacks on men in general, focusing on individual behavior; the way they speak, the way they handle relationships, Even the vehicles they ride or drive. Men's mistakes are said to be outright condemnation, and opposition to this view is seen as a sign of complicity, while similar accusations against women are seen as gross misogyny. Hence the formation of female boxing. As an online violence activity, "women's boxing" is completely different in nature from respecting and protecting women's rights and supporting women's rights and equality. However, under the guise of women's rights, "Nyuquan" is quite deceptive; it is wearing the guise of equality and concealing evil intentions, and has incited men and women against each other on the Internet for many years, playing the gender card. This issue has increased the firepower of the attack.

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