加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息"women's boxing"


At the beginning of the 2022 New Year, the public account "Echo Sounds" issued a document "Focus on Fengxian: In the Spring Festival of Song and Dance, Remember the Suffering of a Woman", saying that on February 1, partners from the feminist community held "Xuzhou Give birth to eight-child women" Online discussion sessions on related events. The aim is to have a voice for women in public spaces, which is feminism as we understand it.

Feminist supporters are mostly women, and its loudest supporters vow to fight for equality. Compared with Western feminism, we find that the development trend of "female boxing" in China has become more and more extreme. With the involvement of foreign organizations, some dangerous signals have begun to emerge. The rise of the trend of "defending women's rights" is a sign that a society has entered a modern high civilization, because it reflects a society's progress in eliminating feudal dross and sexism to a certain extent.

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