请大家帮忙看看信用证的条款,什么时候交单?以下红色字部分,所说的时间内交单,是一样的吗?求大家帮帮忙,谢谢!5. beneficiary's certificate certifying that:
-one full set of non-negotiable shipping documents including invoice, packing list, copy of B/L and or original mill test certificate and original certificate and original (form E) issued by the CIQ, send directily to applicant within 14 days after shippment.
7. beneficiary's certificate certifying that the following documents eave been sent to applicant by courier within seven (7) days after bill of lading date.
-original mill test certificate
-original certificate of origin (form E) plus one triplicate copy issued by the CIQ showing consignee/ importer same as bill of lading notify party and showing the third party invoicing: smart timing steel limided suite 1310,13F ocean centre, harbour city, 5 canton road, tsih sha tsui, kowloon, hong kong under field 7, in bos 13 shall be ticked (/), the invoice number hl1616-I shall be indicated in box 10.
bill of lading date 跟shippment 我觉得这两个日期是一致的 根据信用证的条款 应该在提单日期后7天内寄出
这是草稿还是已经开出来了?如果是草稿 可以跟客户确认一下
[ 本帖最后由 jeneferzhao 于 2016-7-12 12:56 编辑 ]
5. beneficiary's certificate certifying that:
-one full set of non-negotiable shipping documents including invoice, packing list, copy of B/L and or original mill test certificate and original certificate and original (form E) issued by the CIQ, send directily to applicant within 14 days after shippment.
7. beneficiary's certificate certifying that the following documents eave been sent to applicant by courier within seven (7) days after bill of lading date.
-original mill test certificate
-original certificate of origin (form E) plus one triplicate copy issued by the CIQ showing consignee/ importer same as bill of lading notify party and showing the third party invoicing: smart timing steel limided suite 1310,13F ocean centre, harbour city, 5 canton road, tsih sha tsui, kowloon, hong kong under field 7, in bos 13 shall be ticked (/), the invoice number hl1616-I shall be indicated in box 10.
加拿大电商我在kompass 上注册了会员,但就是找不到可以发布信息的地方,怎么发布产品信息,请各位前辈多多指教一下。 谢谢各位拉 评论 会员服务区 联络信息 评论 您好! 我是康帕斯公司信息部 加拿大电商求助平台,不锈钢或者有色金属之类的,哪个平台做的好? 评论 阿里巴巴应该是可以的 评论 楼主的产品有主打市场吗? 评论 是不锈钢的零部件吗? 评论 楼主说的不锈钢是具体哪类产
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