哪位大神帮我看看下面是什么意思啊,第一次碰到这样的收汇方式。不懂啊~~You can visit below Citi Bank official website for our OJG Open Account Processing for more details:
http://www.citibank.com/transact ... rel5/jonesgroup.jsp
You need to present the Document Transmittal Form (can download from the above website) with the Lognet Commercial Invoice + Bill of Lading/Awaybill + Inspection Certificate (IC).
You can refer to the Open Account Standard Checking Requirements as attached, which can also be pulled from the above website (the link named as “Document Review Criteria”.)
Then all these documents should be presented to one of the Trade Services Windows listed in the website under Key Contact Information (screen captured below).
You should select the site closest to you in order to ensure prompt processing.
Suppose Citi will also accept email all the documents for payment request.
But we would suggest you to contact the Shanghai Citi to ask for more details regarding to Open Account process as you are so new to it.
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