在线等!!!Our bank is formal and categorical. The transfer of money was done normally.
They say that the supplier must go to his bank and claim payment.
They also gave me this information out of courtesy. They say that the bank (BDL - Algeria) only deals with its correspondent (Bank of China).
They showed me the swift and the changes made (dates .. you have copies).
Also, inquire yourself with a transfer specialist, and show him the SWIFT, he will explain.
Again Vincent, Insist with your bank.
The best is to tell your bank to officially contact the BDL (while the SWIFT has been carried out).
All I can do is send you the copy of SWIFT again.
Inform me of the steps.
Best regards.
NB: In Algeria, banks do not issue SWIFT without bank domiciliation. That is, I have to pay, beforehand, money to my bank.
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