信用证上规定除了运费其他费用都不能显示在提单上,现在银行审单说提单上有一句RECOVERY HANDLING SURCHARGE (RHS) ON CONSIGNEE ACCOUNT评论
您好, 是不符点。如果信用证没有禁止提单显示运费以外的额外费用,提单是可以显示运费以外的额外费用的。如果信用证禁止提单显示运费以外的额外费用,提单不应显示运费之外的费用已经或将要产生,但还是可以显示滞期费demurrage costs和滞箱费detention costs这两项费用。
a. When a credit states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, a bill of lading is not to indicate that costs additional to the freight have been or will be incurred.
b. An indication of costs additional to freight may be made by express reference to additional costs or by the use of trade terms which refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, such as, but not limit to, Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and Out Stowed (FIOS).
c. Reference in a bill of lading to costs which may only be levied, for example, as a result of a delay in unloading the goods, or after the goods have been unloaded (demurrage costs) or costs covering the late return of containers (detention costs) is not an indication of costs additional to freight.
a. 当信用证规定运费以外的费用不可接受时,提单不应显示运费之外的费用已经或将要产生。
b. 提单显示运费以外的费用时,可以明确提及额外费用,或使用与货物装卸费用相关的贸易术语,比如但不限于,“船方不管装货Free in (FI)”、“船方不管卸货Free Out (FO)”、“船方不管装卸货Free In and Out (FIO)”及“船方不管装卸货及积载Free In and Out Stowed (FIOS)”。
c. 提单提及的可能加收的费用,例如,由于卸货或卸货后的延迟可能加收的费用(滞期费),或由于延迟归还集装箱可能加收的费用(滞箱费),不属于运费以外的额外费用。
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