信用证做FOB本来就有一定风险,客户要做主单和分单,信用证中还明确规定forwarder bill of lading is not acceptable. 这样的话是不是必须做船东单。评论
forwarder bill of lading is not acceptable此话出现在LC上没有任何意义。可以忽略
A stipulation in a credit that “Freight Forwarder’s Bills of Lading are not acceptable” or “House Bills of Lading are not acceptable” or words of similar effect has no meaning in the context of the title, format, content or signing of a bill of lading unless the credit provides specific requirements detailing how the bill of lading is to be issued and signed. In the absence of these requirements, such a stipulation is to be disregarded, and the bill of lading presented is to be examined according to the requirements of UCP600 article 20. 信用证规定“货运代理人提单不可接受Freight Forwarder’s Bills of Ladings are not acceptable”,或“运输行提单不可接受House Bills of Ladings are not acceptable”类似措辞,在提单的名称、格式、内容或签署方面没有任何含义,除非信用证对其出具和签署规定了明确要求。没有这些要求时,该规定将不予理会,提交的提单将按照UCP600第20条的要求予以审核。
forwarder bill of lading is not acceptable 货代提单不被接受,要船公司正本提单。不可以分单。
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