Shelf life to be 1 yearat time of dispatch,Pacgage 200KG Drum
Payment: Cash against Docs through Bank
Documents: Invoice, Certificate of Origin
Legalized by Kuwait Embassy, Packing List
Bill of Ladding, Certificate of Analysis, MSDS
Please write all HS code 29333990
Note: All documents should be prepared under consignee name
"Al Sanea Chemcial Products Co."
Please make sure the following, as I informed in my previous email,
1) The shelf life of the product to be 1 year at the time of dispatch.
2) Material to be inspected by MEW-Kuwait deputed inspection agency prior to shipping.
3) Prior attesting the shipping documents a copy of the same to be sent to us for confirmation.
4) Kindly note that we need to deliver the 1st batch (which is 6MT) by the end of June-17. So please expedite delivery.
Kindly prepare all the shipping documents and send us the copies for confirmation before attesting in Chamber of commerce.
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