In consideration of the panel of international and national measures against Iran, Merchant shall warrant and guarantee that (i) he is fully allowed to conduct business transactions/shipments with Iran, (ii) the description is true and accurate and fully complies with the Iran sanction regulations, including but not limited to the United Nations resolution related to Iran ; the relevant European Union regulation(s) on restrictive measures against Iran and the Iranian Transactions Regulations – 31 CFR Part 560 – as well as the Special Designated National and Blocked Persons List (SDNs list published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control) of the United States of America (iii) he shall maintain a process that ensures compliance with these requirements and keep records of same available on our first demand.
CMA CGM underlines that any call to Iran is pending the confirmation from the Underwriters of the vessel calling Iran. Any call lacking cover confirmation may be cancelled at the discretion of the Carrier. Carrier reserves its rights to discharge any shipment that may jeopardize the cover confirmation.
考虑到国际和国家措施对伊朗的面板,商人应当保证和保证(我)他是完全允许的与伊朗进行商业交易/出货,(ii)的描述是真实和准确的,也完全符合伊朗制裁规定,包括但不限于相关的联合国决议向伊朗;欧盟相关规定(s)限制性措施对伊朗和伊朗交易法规- 31 CFR 560 -以及部分特殊指定国家和阻止人名单(sdn列表发表的外国资产控制办公室)的美利坚合众国(iii)应当保持过程确保符合这些要求,保持相同的记录可以在我们的第一个需求。CMA CGM强调说,任何对伊朗的电话都在等待被称为伊朗的船只的承销商的确认。因承运人酌情决定,任何未被确认的电话,均可取消。承运人有权解除任何可能危及保兑确认书的装运。
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