最近有票去伊朗的货遇到一个棘手的事. 具体情况如下:1- 客户情况:我们有个伊朗客户,是个集团公司,下面有两个子公司 A和B公司
2- 订单情况:客户下了两个订单(008和009),采购公司是两个抬头(A和B 公司),分别采购干燥机(008订单)和混合机(009订单)
3- 收货人情况:两个公司名称不一样,但consignee 联系人信息是一样的
4- 装运情况:两个订单的货物一起出运,1个40大柜+1个40高柜. 其中008订单下的干燥机,拆分来装,除了40HQ高柜装满外,还有一部分装入40GP大柜中,009订单下的混合机也装入40GP中. 也就是40GP集装箱里面同时有008和009的货物
5- 报关情况: 两份报关资料,抬头分别为A和B公司,货物分别为干燥机(008订单)和混合机(009订单)
6- 提单情况: 货代说出两份H/BL,也只能出H/BL. 和客户沟通,确认可以.
2015年1月16日报关ok,货物顺利放行,期间邮件发两份H/BL给客户及目的港的货代,确认ok. 然后就准备两份全套正本单据(HBL,PL,CI,CO,Insurance)DHL客户, 后面就等货到港口,客户清关就好,想着这个客户年后还有将近90W美金的新订单,每天忙碌并快乐着,时间很快到了接近春节。
2月16号左右,客户突然电话说, 需要两份D/O,他们只有一份D/O,没法清关. 客户手里明明有两份全套完整的单据, 怎么还少少一份? 不清楚D/O的意思,客户也说不清楚,只说他们的代理讲,必须需要两份,需要船公司(Line)改签. 联系货代,说HBL出了两份,MBL只有一份. 货代说联系船公司改一下,同时也联系目的港代理,看看能不能走拼箱方式. 接近放假,船公司方面没有回复。
货代反馈,船公司出不了另外一个D/O. (只能是一份MBL). 目的港货代和客户坚持要两份D/O,不然没法清关提货. 上海的货代尝试过目的港采用拼箱的方式清关,不过伊朗方面回应说行不通. 目前就卡着这,货物已经滞留一段时间,每天都有费用产生,希望有经验的代理或者有类似经历的朋友提出一些建议. 先谢了.
希望上面的描述能够把问题说明白,下面是一些来往的邮件,供参考. 若有疑问,欢迎提出,我会随时跟进.
Dear Mohammad,
Per our customer request,pls check and solve the problems a.s.a.p.There are two HBL,Pls issue two D/O with cnee.If you have any reqeust from here,pls let us know urgently!
Please be noted as the ACTUAL CONSIGNEEs are two different parties and they have different planning & procedures to release it from the customs ! IT IS AS PER CUSTOMS OF IRAN rules that shipping line should issue TWO different D/O against two different consignee's !!!
We can not issue D/O to two different consignee's as per rules here, so NECESSARILY you shall have to ask shipping line ORIGIN to instruct their Iranian counterpart to issue TWO different D/O and SPLITTING of the D/O between two different consignees so as they can start its customs process with Iranian customs as per rules of the Iranian customs.
We know that if it would be CHINA then we could issue two different D/O ourselves to the consignees but here we shall have to follow the Iranian customs !
PLEASE DO THE NEEDFUL AT ORIGIN SHIPPING LINE URGENTLY AS these consignee's have in emergency and also ongoing New Iranian Holidays are coming so avoid this delay also !!!
2月17 下午5点,上海代理回复:
Dear Mohammad,
Due to the Chinese New Year coming,shipping line has out off duty.
As I know,you are the cnee on MBL,can u do customs clearance under your company name.And then u delivery order with both cnee.It's like LCL shipment.
Dear friend King,
Actually this can not be done practically here in Iran as all the relevant consignee’s must do it himself as they want to take duty exempt for this and it is not possible even for other party to do its duty/tax process.
Here in Iran the tax/duty process is very complicated and lengthy also and Iranian customs has own particular rules & procedures STRICT ONES!!!.
Dear King / Andrew,
Please be noted there is no other option except splitting the D/O by the shipping line so we shall have to necessarily wait till holidays !
Further the cost will be for container demurrage and detention per day per container basis. The demurrage cost for container per day will be charged as of IRR 350000 approx. per container.
伊朗货代单和船东单的问题- 2 往来邮件 2月18日邮件
中午12:30 上海货代:
Dear Mohammad,
Is there any news?Pls keep us know everything,thank u!
下午3:20 伊朗代理:
good day!
Please be noted here is no news for this, the only option is to instruct shipping line for D/O SPLITTING at Origin so that is necessary and only option !
If consignee could do its customs duty process on the name of ONE CONSIGNEE then later they could separate their cargo but it is not possible as per consignee !
Please let us know once you would do its D/O splitting with shipping line !
Dear friend,
But can u let us know how is the process for LCL shipment?Why u can't handle it like LCL shipment?
伊朗货代单和船东单的问题- 2 往来邮件 2月25日邮件
下午1:30 上海货代:
We are checking with shipping line and try to apply two D/O at destination.
下午2:30 上海货代:
Dear Mohammad,
Per talking with shipping line today,they can't take two D/O at destination.Do u have any other idea to solve the problems at destination?Pls ask destinaiton shipping line what can we do here.
Looking forward to your urgent reply!
下午4:00 伊朗代理回复:
Welcome back from your holidays and hope you would have enjoyed your holidays !
Please ask shipping line to split D/O to two different consignees exactly AS PER THEIR RELEVANT CARGOES IN THE CONTAINERS!!!
Please be careful to give exact & CORRECT information of the cargo which belong to each particular consignees accordingly.
Hope my point is clear, and please let us know once shipping line would finish this confirmation and if you could take written copy/letter from line for this that will be great !
下午4:20 伊朗代理:
Dear King,
Please be noted here in Iran we are doing it and it is usual practice here JUST YOU WOULD REQUEST SHIPPING LINE at Origin and they will send written email to Iran and at IRAN THE SHIPPING LINE will split the D/O !!!
下午4:40 上海货代回复:
Dear Mohammad,
We asked the shipping line,but they refuse our request!
Can u do customs clearance for this full container under your company?Then u split the D/O to cnee?
下午4:50 伊朗代理:
dear King,
for this option we can not do its clearance as IN IRAN the customs duty process is very complex and lengthy and it is not as easy as in your country or any other place.
The ONE OF THE ACTUAL consignee's should do it himself and after clearance they would split the cargo accordingly.
Mr. Galichi (RIC) please confirm can you do this option, please comments. As you know upcoming new year holidays in IRAN would cause more delay if you could not start its duty/clearance process immediately !!!
下午六点, 客户 (Ghalichi)
Kindly please solve this issue urgently. According to Iranian customs clearance regulation,
there is no possibility for us to release two goods for two different companies.
Furthermore, please do not forget demurrage cost day by day!
Awaiting prompt action as we are in upcoming of our new year holidays.
现在问题好像僵在这里,有新的情况会及时更新,希望熟悉伊朗清关的货代朋友,或者有过类似经历的外贸同仁能够发布你们的观点和看法,说不定能够在交流中找出问题的解决之道. tks in advance.
1- 为何货代的两份HML, 只能出一份船东单? 报关的时候明明是两个consignee!
2- 船公司不肯签发两个D/O的理由?!补救或变通的方法是什么?
3- 有什么切实可行的方法,尽快清关放货?拖的时间越长,成本越高,客户的不满情绪也会增加,必须最短时间里面,拿出解决的方案。
4- 客户或者客户代理方面,是否还有其他的办法? 如果需要用钱解决,大概的费用?
楼主,订柜时,一定要分开订柜,让货代给2份不同号码的SO一个柜一个, 然后提柜装柜做提单,就不会有你说的这个事发生了。。。
完了,我还是不明白,什么是D/O ???
加拿大电商我在kompass 上注册了会员,但就是找不到可以发布信息的地方,怎么发布产品信息,请各位前辈多多指教一下。 谢谢各位拉 评论 会员服务区 联络信息 评论 您好! 我是康帕斯公司信息部 加拿大电商求助平台,不锈钢或者有色金属之类的,哪个平台做的好? 评论 阿里巴巴应该是可以的 评论 楼主的产品有主打市场吗? 评论 是不锈钢的零部件吗? 评论 楼主说的不锈钢是具体哪类产
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