前段时间刚出了一个货,到塞浦路斯的。客户在付款前喝付款后一直强调CE标识,然后我在机器标牌上和木箱包装上都做了CE标识,然后也给客户发了我们的CE认证(不是所有产品各个一个证书,是所有系列的产品做成一个证书,并且给客户的邮件中标出来了那个机器的系列),货发出去没多久后我就问客户你们清关需要什么文件,然后客户说“Please inform us when the mixer will arrive to Cyprus. As you have informed us in previous email (September 7th - see below) September 10th was the sailing day and and usually it takes 3 to 4 weeks to arrive to Cyprus.We need to know exact dates of arrival which vessel and shipping company you are sending it with and their representative in Cyprus . Of course all these information will be included in the BILL OF LADING for which we need an Express Release to be sent to us via email, accompanied by stamped Invoice and Packing List . We also need the Certificate of CE approval.
Please send us all these documents by email and we will let you know if these will be approved by the Customs. ”
第二段中的最后一句,客户要the Certificate of CE approval, 如果是CE认证的话我已经发给他过了,难道还要其他的吗?我看其他的帖子里说什么自我宣言,和产地证?求助~
到塞浦路斯一般要提供普惠制原产地证明书(FORM A),可以有关税优惠
加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息 加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种
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