昨天照常发开发信,收货客户礼貌性的回复(说什么有需要再跟我联系)之后,然后过了几个小时再来了一封邮件。非常的长 ,说他在做什么经济回顾的,想跟我了解,大陆的房价,物价,奢侈品消费,人口…… 还附带了一张图片
Hi Daniel,
I hope you are well and having a great year. Is life treating you well? I hope so. Everything is good here, my family are doing very well. My daughter has just finished her first year at University and my son is just finishing his first big exams at 16. we are looking forward to summer holidays!!
I am writing my next economic review and hope you will help me with a few questions about China. I would really appreciate your opinion if you have the time, I value your help.
China has continued to grow and the wealth is easy to see but is it in the hands of too few people? A friend of mine just returned from Hong Kong and took the photo attached at midday outside Louis Vuitton and there was a queue! This would never happen in Europe.
We know that housing in China is a big subject. Many people I speak to say it is very important to buy an apartment but now they are getting too expensive. We saw the story of Ms Guo Chunping telling Hu Jintao that was paying Rmb77 for a 45m flat in Beijing and that many people were unhappy that someone can rent for so little from the Government. We also hear that the Government have started huge projects to construct 10 million homes because of a housing shortage but it is very interesting because how will the people who have paid a lot of money and borrowed a lot of money feel about others who can just rent for so little? Chinese properties is one of the big economic stories. It is said that the construction of Chinese homes is taking up 40% of the world’s steel supply so it is very important.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this so I have written a few questions and hope that you can find some time to let me know what you think. This is only for my own use because I think China has a very important part to play in the world and it is interesting to hear what ordinary Chinese people think is happening. I hope these questions are not too difficult and I hope you can help me, I would really appreciate it. Please feel free to ask me anything you want to know as well.
1)Inflation is getting higher all over the world , Here in Europe we are seeing the effects of your higher prices in China as our imports from China get more expensive. How are you seeing inflation? Is it very high? We know that the Government figures say it is about 6% but is it higher with the things you have to buy everyday? Food, petrol, electricity? Do you have any stories of how prices have gone up?
2)Has property continued to go up in price or has it started to level off? We hear that prices in Beijing and Hainan are so expensive. In Hainan houses have stopped selling because it is too expensive and people are worried they will go down in price?
3)In the UK, young people cannot afford to buy a home. It is very difficult to borrow any money and the deposit is so big that without their parents help it is impossible. Many more people are now having to rent. How do the Chinese afford to buy? Do parents always need to help? Is buying a home the most important thing and how many people can really afford to do this?
4)Can you still borrow from the banks to buy a home? How much deposit do you need? What are the repayments like compared to salary?
5)Are Chinese people worried that the value of homes might go down? This has happened in America and England and other countries but in China they just keep going up. What do you think?
6)China is now the biggest market in the world for motor cars and will soon be the biggest manufacturer of cars. Do you think China will start exporting cars around the world quite soon or is there so much demand in China they will not need to? I think that China already exports a lot of great technology like iPads and iPhones so why not motor cars?
7)What are the most popular cars in China to buy at the moment? Has this changed?
8)Is there a big market for second hand cars or does everyone just buy new cars?
9)Do people buy second hand houses in China? We hear that there are so many unsold new houses and apartments that nobody wants to buy a second hand one? Is that true? Here in the UK people like second hand because the previous owners might have done a lot of work like a new kitchen or bathroom.
10) Are you now seeing wages go up in China. We hear that food and petrol is more expensive but we also hear that some factory workers are getting 50% more wages. Is this true? Are the teachers, doctors and people in business getting a lot more money? We read that the average wage in Beijing is about RmB 45,000 a year for a teacher but a 2 bed apartment is RmB1.8m. can this be true?
11)We have seen the latest census where all the population of China were counted and asked some questions. It is clear that like England, China has an ageing population because of all the births in 1960s and 1970s. Are people in China worried that there are so many older people coming up to retirement and not enough younger people to work and continue to build the economy? It is a big problem in Japan and Western Europe ans something we are very worried about.
12)There are so many more men than women aged under 40. This must cause some really big problems. How do young Chinese men find a wife or girlfriend?
13)What Western luxury goods do the Chinese people really want? What do they want to buy? Is it clothes, cars, holidays? What brands do they like?
14) Have you heard of cloud computing? We hear that China along with IBM is constructing the largest building in the world at Harbin for a “Cloud Computing Base”. Will Chinese people use “The Cloud?”
15)What mobile telephones do the Chinese people like to use? Samsung? Apple? HTC? Or a Chinese make?
16)In the UK we have a new system about to start where you can pay for small things with your mobile phone, do you have this in China?
17)What do you think of the problems that are happening in Europe with Greece, Ireland and Portugal? Does this make the news in China? Are Chinese worried about European countries that may become bankrupt?
18) Do Chinese people think that America may become bankrupt? It is interesting that now companies and countries are trading in Yuan and are not always trading in $US. Do you think more people will trade in RmB?
19) What do you think of the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle east in Libya, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain? Is this important news in China or do you believe these countries should sort out their own problems?
20) Do you think the Chinese economy will start to slow down or will the Government keep investing to keep it going? We hear that Beijing keeps encouraging the regional Governments to invest and asks the banks to help finance all of these projects to create employment. Can this carry on? Where does the money come from? There seems to be so much construction. We hear of many empty buildings, roads that never get used and too many airports?
21) Overall, is life getting better for you living in China or do you find yourself working harder and longer? China has changed a lot since I first visited in 1995. Then, everyone was concerned about family, health and happiness. Has that changed?
22) What do you think the greatest challenges facing the Chinese people are over the next few years?
偶更无心看了。。哈哈~ 你说 yes,all thing just like you said.Thanks for your concern
There are so many more men than women aged under 40. This must cause some really big problems. How do young Chinese men find a wife or girlfriend
我统统看完了一遍,我估计这个老外是个社会学家,不像是做生意的,如果是做生意的他就会关注一两个领域,他关注的太广泛了,几乎关注了中国现在面临的一切难题, 分析的问题好像奥巴马智囊团里面分析的一样,甚至还提到中国面临老龄化的这个问题,还担心男女比例失调而导致的婚姻问题,这老头有意思啊,英文表的也不错
你回复他说:If there is no trade limit and economy suppress from USA,our Chinese economy will be more better and Our country will be more stronger and our life will be more happier!!
Then all the problem you said is no problem!
Certainly,if you can do business with me,then you just help me to find a wife,you know I need more money to buy a house and let my chlid go to school
[ 本帖最后由 竹小欣 于 2011-6-18 15:35 编辑 ]
这个老外知道的还真不少!!! 也很婆妈!!!一般人没有这些闲情扯这些的!!!
[ 本帖最后由 mohoko 于 2011-6-18 16:28 编辑 ]
加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款 加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一
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