去年12月的一个单子,1W多美刀,包含模具费和1000套产品,50%预付,货在5月份就发给他了,这也是我的失策,当时工厂已经晚交货快一个月了,客人一直催着发货。关于尾款,客人说先付3000多刀,剩下的4000多刀一周后支付(好像他是用的信用卡,要等到下个账期),当时觉得已经拖了好久,挺对不起客户的,没有坚持收到尾款就把货发走了,结果,一直等了4个月客人还没有支付,中间每隔一个星期发个邮件也不回,最近这个客人突然冒了出来,让我寄500个包装盒给他,因为DHL在运输的时候搞坏了一部分,他要替换,我说收到尾款就寄,结果这哥们消失了2周后又出来说先付1800,剩下的2000多收到货后两周内支付~~~~不知道还能不能相信他?各位觉得要怎么对付才好?Sorry it took so long I have been very busy. There have been alot of interest in the xxxxxx we now have over 30 stores carrying the product and were recently in high times magazine which is very good. I need the packaging sent to me very soon as i have orders to fill. I have $1800 that i can wire to you now but i really need you to send the packaging so i can fill the orders i have waiting. As soon as i can fill these orders i can send the rest of the payment to you. It will only take a week or two at the most once i receive the packaging. The product is very popular and i believe we will be making several thousand more maybe even tens of thousands. There is a good market for it here in the US with over 15,000 store as potential customers.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you can send the packaging when i wire the $1800 as i said the rest will only take a week or two. Thanks, Harley
感觉还是坚持收到尾款了再寄 要是没有的话 估计也是这样的后果
1800USD 已经付了吗,客户信誉还是要评估下。
看不那500个包装盒值多少啊 超过500都不给他寄 假如不值钱还是给他好 收点钱回来也好点啊 毕竟你不给他 他也可以到其他地方买啊
摆明了就是能赖则赖。 这么做好不好? 尽量 将1800讲到 3000上,能讲多少就多少,然后让客人打过来。 打过来后再让他将其余的汇过来,不然不寄。 这客人先违约在先。 做生意怎么能这么没诚信呢。
加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一 加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款
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