给他发了报价单,这样回复我,给的链接打不开,是不是骗人的?Dear ,
Thank you for your mail,
kindly view our first order for a Customer(Wilkins Australia Corporation Pty) by clicking the link below:
Note that you have to login with your email address that you are using in corresponding with us to view the order.
Please give us rock bottom price and send final quote/Proforma Invoice immediately so 6we can
arrange to have deposit transferred if price is favorable. Also note that we have structured the order so it will not exceed a certain
amount because this is our first business cooperation with your company. We will increase our subsequent
orders if after this purchase; we are satisfied with your delivery time and quality of products.
Please quote CIF Melbourne, Australia and FOB for us to compare.
Many thanks
Ms. Kelly Johnson ( CEO )
Apex General Ltd
Tel/fax: +02-9-3795064
Level 3, Honeywell House, 264 Mt Eden Rd Mt Eden
PO Box 74088 Market Road Germany
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