


Thanks for your mail.
I am an accredited agent to Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on contracts and services. I have contacted you to know if you can work with me as your local agent in the ongoing tender. As an agent I am always entitled to a 1% commission out of the total invoice value which you will pay me as soon as you receive your full payment if being awarded the contract.

There is not much thing needed from your company for the official application for the bid on your company's behalf provided that your company is not going to disappoint me after the full payment of the contract sum is made into your company's account after the contract is awarded to your company.

The tender requirements urgently needed for the submission to the contract awarding committee is as shown below:

1/ A proforma invoice for the total quantity of the goods to be supplied to the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS] as approved (the price you will give should also make provision for my 1%commission as your local agent)
2/ Your company certificate of incorporation and registration according to the registration law of your country.
3/ Names of directors of your company.
4/ Company profile.
5. Letter of intent to participate in the tender for the supply of the products.

You can still include any other information of your company that you think will help us in winning this contract and all this documents should be sent to me due to time constraint through email attachment so that I will print them out and attach a hand written text of application to it and submit the official application for the bid on your company's behalf as some other foreign companies are doing. We must win this contract supply if you will only follow my instructions and advice accordingly. The good news about this contract is that any company that wins it automatically gains a long lasting business relationship with the Ecowas if they handle the order well.

The payment term for the contract is 100% Bank T/T in advance and the time schedule for the delivery of the goods is 12- 18months after receipt of contract payment. With my good connection with the ECOWAS, I will try all my possible best in making sure that this contract is awarded to your esteemed company but you should not forget about my 1% commission as some foreign contractors in the past usually do and I pray that this chance will be a point of contact to our good and humanly business relationship.

I wait for your urgent reply to enable us proceed further without delay. Please do not hesitate to get back to me for any further clarification and details.


the price you will give should also make provision for my 1%commission as your local agent????




自称来自非洲某某政府组织的 废话这么多的 基本上看都不用看 就是垃圾了

一定是的 呵呵 那么长 看都不用看的哈
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