加拿大进出口外贸How to sell to North Americans 怎样和老美做生意


Not all business on Alibaba are here to sell exclusively to North Americans. While they may “appear” to be a society with endless amounts of cash, that is not always the case. Still, if you are not familiar with North American culture, it’s important to know a few “rules” if you ever find yourself in business with them.

1.       North Americans are somewhat reserved: If you come from a culture where people invite you to their home because you have some type of business relationship, you will not usually find that in North America. The majority of business people like to keep business and personal life separate. If you deal with them long enough, you will earn their trust and eventually they will open up to you on a personal level.
2.       They like quality : I think everyone wants to buy a quality product, but North Americans are very particular about buying a product that does not feel “cheap”. They want it to work right away and want it to feel “solid” and “well built” . If you sell them a product that fails after minimal use, you will lose their trust and have a difficult time making another sale to them.
3.       They like a good price : Some would say that North Americans only want the cheapest price, but that is not true. There are 3 types of consumers. The first kind will pay any price to have the latest and “coolest” gadgets. The second will only buy after the price is “reasonable” and many others have the same item. The last group will wait until the price has dropped quite low. If you want to sell a lot of product in North America, find a price that reflects that you make a quality product, while making the customer feel like they are getting a good price. It’s a good idea to know what price your competitor are selling their products at.
4.       North Americans really value customer service. I don’t think we (as North Americans) always provide great customer service, but we always expect it from others. If you want to make a good impression, do a little bit more for a customer like contacting them after a sale and asking them if they are satisfied or giving them a small discount on their next order. Even a simple “Thank you “ can be more than others would provide and will set you apart as a great company to do business with.
5.       Before they buy, they like a clear description of what they are buying. North Americans are big on marketing “hype”. Make your product information clear and easy to understand. Make sure you point out all the positive qualities of the product. Make it interesting and catchy. A picture alone will not work. They want to see the item and then be told how great it is.
6.       North Americans are just regular people : Again, some of them think they are superior, but really, what they want and expect is not very different than what every other person in the world wants or what you would want.
It’s impossible to sum up the North American market in just a few small paragraphs. I have been doing marketing and copy write work for 15 years and I still learn something new every day. As long as you act professional , provide good customer service and use common sense in your dealings, chances are you’ll be successful.


Why it is too difficult to do business with US?

What types of problems are you having when dealing with US companies? I agree that some major US organizations can be hard to deal with. It has a lot to do with the culture of business and money and the US’s perceived superiority in the world economy. US companies move at very fast pace and are always eager to earn a very quick dollar. That means they want the supplier to act almost like an employee of the company. The want immediate answers to their questions and they want you to be available when they are operating (that can be hard for a company in China). They also want you to take all the burden of responsibility for your product. They can be hard to deal with, but if you can do it, there is some good money that can be earned. I hope this helps, but if not, please feel free to contact me with other questions.

is anyone in North America carrying your products?

You are probably being asked asked this question because the buyer wants to know how much experience you have with the North American market. If you already have your product in Canada/US, they feel a little more confident about buying from you. If you don’t have your product over here they feel that if they are the first, they might lose out if it fails. If you don’t have your product out here, just tell them that you are confident that it will sell well in North America.

As an American, maybe I can add some information. We are reluctant to give out private information because of safety issues. Identity theft is a big problem here. My first reason to ask if you have other sales in the US would be to use that information as a reference. All of my purchases from China make me feel a little risky. Everyone in China is reluctant to take any risk. All has to be prepaid etc. We know that we have very little recourse if you do not deliver items. A phone call to another customer and finding out that they actually did receive the product is a big confidence builder. Secondly, it tells me about competition. Sometimes I might like that no one else is using your product in my area. Sometimes it is better that many do. It depends on the product. Please answer the question but it is OK to ask a followup question like “Why?” or “Do you have some specific concerns that you I can help you with?” If you want to separate your products from others, spend a little time/money first on printed materials. A lot of English translated from Chinese is done very poorly. This takes credibility away from your company and product. I have offered to help some of the companies that I have worked with but they either do not see the importance or understand it. Another is packaging. Updating the look of your packaging could improve sales.

Your article is a very good summary. But I would like to add the following as an American (small business) who is buying from the Asian market for the first time. Yes, cost and quality are very important. My customers do not want something that will break the first time it is used. I will have to replace it of my customer will go to someone else. The one thing that I want is a reliable supplier! This is someone who will keep me informed of problems or delays with my order. Also someone who may offer better solutions and/or deals that I may not be aware of. I always tell my suppliers “Be part of the solution and not part of the problem“. Best regards to all.

本文转自:外贸博客 www.gongzhuyu.com
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