

Firstly, in my house we were agreeing to 50/50 cooperation like that, we give you all pricing same as manufacturing cost (no addtional profit), then you set the sales pricing. we get profit 50 and 50. We are responsible for sourcing and warehouse, then you are responsible for sales, the main shipping cost should to go the cusotmers. We firstly cooperate from xxxxx, then other xxxx. This is the real 50 and 50 cooperation. Now, I have tried to cut the pricing down and show you all manufacturing cost. But, your way is acctually just cutting off our profit, while not willing to show us your sales pricing. That was not sincere cooperation based on win-win. So, I was not happy. I didn't feeling your sincerity.

Ref to your messages on QQ :

Ref to cost,  the manufacturer haven't yet changed their quote since they made the original quotation. We didn't neither. However, we were never told that you have changed your quotation to customers. You even were not willing to show us the new pricing after you received the manufacturing cost so that we can make change accordingly. I made a request that send us a pricing copy for reference.

Ref to the mould, it belongs to you. You paid for all. you don't need to fly over. Business is business, however, friendship is friendship. I will help you send the mould to your new manufacturer the first time you decide, but we never talk business again in future. There is nothing business to do with $800 USD. the last invoice was for shipping to maldives. The invoice before last invoice was half year ago. All items were stocked items. If the $800 business exists, we should return all money back to you from the 1st order. Yes, you paid for all moulds, you think our commission is too high and all is unfair. Why not think about we helped you to make all happen so that you could sell them $400 while we made $40, why not think about we have been cooperating tightly to improve all, to guarantee replacements and help with design for improvements. We have been getting what we should get, not more than far.

Please forgive my straightforwardness my friend. The worlds' changed. We need to do business based on equality and win-win. We will never do business as the last generation, working extremely hard to pay for health even life, however getting only 5%, even 3%, while taking huge responsibility and pressures. So, what exactly is fairness ? This is what my generation are thinking about while doing.

Anyway, we were and are friends. I will be trying my best to help you. Please send us a copy of your quotation to customers, to see if we can make some changes. We will help with shipping  and stocks, don't worry.

Best Regards,

QQ: 1542134041

[ 本帖最后由 caikedong 于 2012-11-16 22:45 编辑 ]

故事好长 看不下来 但貌似写的很好 顶你了


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