Thanks for your swift response.
We want to be sure that there is integrity in the invocing , that there is no hiodden commission built into the invoice we get. This is because we have an employee in China managing our procurement , we just want to be sure of the integrity of the system. The employee is not entitled to commission, we need to put in place a system that guarantees the integrity of the procurement process.
We want to be sure that the factories keep to their end of the bargain. We will certainly require your help to define the quality standard expected per product
Our office in China are supposed to handle the inspection during loading into container.
See attached for the full list of items we are importing from China
Coz we didn't know about your order Q'ty, We just can quote to you, It is USD250 for one person in manday.
and about below you mention
We want to be sure that there is integrity in the invocing , that there is no hiodden commission built into the invoice we get. This is because we have an employee in China managing our procurement , we just want to be sure of the integrity of the system. The employee is not entitled to commission, we need to put in place a system that guarantees the integrity of the procurement process.
This part we have some confused,Can you explain clear to us.We will follow your instruction do this.
With best regards
I was just trying to clarify the fact that we have a buying office in China manned by our staff, we just want to be assured that our staff in China are above board,. We want the inspection to also confirm with the suppliers that no commission is being paid out to anyone on our invoice.
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