当矛盾出现时候,怎么样去保证自己工厂的利益同时又不失去客户 继续维持合作关系,就需要多一些小心思了。本人也是在不断的学习中。
Sat, 14 Apr 2012 04:34:00 -0700
Good weekend!
Iam sorry, the goods are not finished ,coz the workshop is too busy and very tight production schedule.i will inform you before shipment and i will try to put yr order first.
Thanks for yr understanding.
Best regards,
Your sincerely,
Received: Saturday, 14 April, 2012, 11:40 AM
You first make the order short and now you aren't shipping again. This is unacceptable. If you don't ship this for this container we have leaving than you either need to pay the shipping cost or I am not going to continue business
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 6:54 AM
Can you give me more days?You know ,i really try my best to make you satisfied, the goods can be ready at 20th,April.
You mentioned you will meet me at 23th,April,will it as planed ?
Sorry for the delay.
Best regards,
Your sincerely,
Received: Saturday, 14 April, 2012, 1:14 PM
It has to be there on Monday. You already cost me a lot of money by giving me rolls that were not 1.37 mtr. I wont accept anymore loss. You need to agree to pay the shipping for this 100 rolls if it is not there on Monday. Again if you don’t want to pay the shipping then I do not want these 100 rolls. I am coming to china sourcing fair and I do not want to look for another company to make this material for me so take care of this problem.
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 16:28:11 -0700
Dear Alan,
For the mistake of calculate the width,althought we also had loss, i made compensation for 5USD/roll to you.
For this time 100rolls of width 1.37m/roll,we can't delivery at monday,if you would like to cancel the order,i will apply for you.iam sorry for make you unhappy,but we can only delivery at 20th,April.
If you like ,you can search other suppliers for this material,also you can compare the price and quality.we make very little margin in yr order,you know that i quote better price to my other customer,severytime we make the punching on yr material will damage our machine ,and cost more time and waste then other material ,but i did't tell you the probelm and also offer the same price ,so it's impossible we pay the freight for you.if you think we can't cooperate anymore,ok. no problem.you can find better supplier,and i offer material to better customer.
Looking forward to hearing yr further information.
Best regards,
Your sincerely,
Received: Saturday, 14 April, 2012, 11:35 PM
So this is your response. You make mistakes and then call me a bad customer?
Sat, 14 Apr 2012 16:49:18 -0700
I never said you are bad customer ,and you know i always appreciate yr patinece and yr kind toward me,and i always want to serve you with best quality and price ,but sometime ,the situation is out of my control,last time,the raw material supplier ,theyself also afraid the material may fail your test,so they delivery me less material then i ordered.i was also feel crazy and lost my temple to them.
I just hope you can give me more understanding,this material i just make for you ,but you threat me again and again that you will find other suppliers ,actually i do have enquiries from other chinese company about this material.now i have order the all raw material needed for yr goods ,now you told me if i don't pay freight for the goods,you will don't need those 100rolls.so pls tell me how can i do ?if i make more loss,then my boss will blame me for this .
Sorry again for everything!
Best regards,
Your sincerely,
Received: Saturday, 14 April, 2012, 11:58 PM
Ok shirly. We will take the goods but we don't have another sgipment leacing china until mid may. So we will ship mid may. We will pay the 30 percent deposit early may. Ok?
当然了,客户不一样,沟通的方法也不能照搬别人的经验,多了解客户的思维习惯和性格,才能找到你们沟通的合适方法,也才能赢得他对你的信任。通常是越难相处的客户,当你了解他 和他建立良好的关系之后,他越是不会轻易的去换别的供应商。
谢谢啊。。皮毛之见 呵呵
It seems that customer is from China
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