


今年呢,我就想帮客人发到港口,然后支付货代指定货代费用,然后拿到提单,然后把INVOICE, PACKING LIST, 提单,打算寄给客人。可是客人以下说的我又不明白了,什么意思啊?

We don’t need the origin documents by DHL. We need just the invoice and packing list for our carriers (you give it together with the cargo). I asked you about the export declaration. I don’t know how explain it better. When you sell the goods officially with all documents you pay additional fees to your country (we pay 20% from the goods cost in Ukraine). When you export your goods officially on the customs the carriers open the export declaration and you can return the fees that you have paid to your country. In the case we deliver this cargo without this export declaration you couldn’t return money in the case of the official export. We don’t need this export declaration for us. We could save money and don’t pay for this declaration. I know that in China it is not necessary to open export declaration because many suppliers have not official export. If you don’t need to return money, please, confirm me and we’ll not make this document on the customs.

他说到退税的问题,他说如果他们deliver this cargo without this export declaration you couldn’t return money in the case of the official export。这句什么意思啊?什么情况我拿不到退税,跟客人有什么关系,看不懂。本来我的货就是不含税的,没退税的,都是买单出口的。

We don’t need this export declaration for us. We could save money and don’t pay for this declaration。这句是什么意思?搞不清楚了。我退不退税,会影响他多交钱?奇怪

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