一箱仿牌记忆卡走DHL到达希腊,当地海关让客户出具一份叫做 Declaration of Confirmity 的文件,还说没有这个文件就不给清关放行,以前出过同样的卡给这个客户很多次一直都没什么问题,偏偏这次需要这个文件,我也从来没碰到过类似的要求。求解,求帮助!原文如下:
I need your help!!!!!!!!
The goods are for customs clearance and they called me and ask me for the DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY.
This is a document that states the conformity of the products (they need it scanned in color).
They say that a certain number is written on it regarding the products and the invoice should mention the same number also otherwise they will not clear the goods at the customs.
I don’t know what to do because it is the first time that they ask me for something like this and to tell you the truth I don’t know what kind of document this is in order to give you more explanations.
我的QQ:1340512095 或者 374824668
好的 谢谢
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