询盘标题: silicon inflatable seals
询盘内容: Dear sir, We are an ISO 9001:2000 Certified manufacturer of standard & custstom molded & extruded rubber components for Pharmaceutical applications. Our product range includes Inflatable Rubber Seals having Leak Proof Sealing Advantage. APPLICATION Inflator seals provide an Inflatable sealing solution where the risk of fabric contamination is not acceptable . Oven door seals. Fluid bed dryer. Sterilizer. Fluid bed dryer, processor, coater. Conveyors & Conveying equipments For more details pl. visit us at www.westernrubbers-pharma.com . Registered & Approved vendor from many OEM in India as well as abroad. We are also a reputed Sourcing House for the Countries like Gulf, USA, Africa & Europe for our Contract Manufacturing of Technical, Precision & Quality Sealing Components. Regards, FOR WESTERN RUBBERS INDIA PVT.LTD(Export Div.) Himanshu Shah (Manager Exports) cell no .09821408079 TEL NO :- 0091-22 26760274/ 26760203 / 56949178 FAX NO :- 0091-22 26760280/ 56949199 WEB-SITE :- http://www.westernrubbers.com http://www.westernrubbers-pharma.com Mail ID :- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]...
联系方式: Himanshu Shah IND Company: Western Rubbers India Pvt. Ltd. E-mail: [email protected]
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