美国客户寄样品过来,同时发了一些他的感慨。As you are probably aware, 192 countries currency is going to soon revalue with Iraq's currency being the lead currency and the USA currency will no longer be the worlds only reserve currency and China, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa will now also be used as the worlds reserve currency and all currency will now have to be Basal 3 compliant meaning all currency will have to be asset based and can no longer just be printed at will.
The USA really owes China a debt of gratitude for making us fiscally responsible and has truly bailed the US out in so many ways. Because of Iraq's currency revaluation I invested in it so I am taking much of the profits to start charity companies that will help abused women and disabled veterans and others in need that gave up their current health to fight to liberate the Iraqi citizens. It was announced in Iraq this morning that Iraqi currency revalued today so I am now looking for many products to resell and educate the women and veterans on how to run a business since our government doesn't do anything to help the disabled veterans once they return from war. I will then franchise small businesses to them.
Before the war started the dinar had a value of $3.22 per 1 USD. After the war started the value went to a fraction of 1 cent for each dinar. The in country dinar will revalue at $3.44 USD per 1 dinar. The USA has acquired billions of dinar and will use it in the form of oil credits which allows us to buy oil at $30 dinar per barrel and we can sell it at world market price which is around $110 a barrel currently. My wealth manager suggests that I take my USD and put it in Chinese Juan as well as Canada,Australia and Brazils currency because the USD is going to fall big when the global currency resets. I am guessing his is a bit confusing the way I have explained but because of the deal that USA has established with the oil credits China has purchased a large % of our Wells Fargo bank and as of yesterday has offered us $20 + for each Iraqi dinar and the Vietnemese Dong will revalue at $2.47 USD.
With the worlds banking system going to all being asset based, Iraq has more natural assets including oil, natural gas and they have just discovered a huge amount of gold and silver. This is why the USA recently built the largest embassy in the world there and China has made a contract with them to build over 100,000 homes. If you research you will see that contractors and businesses of all kinds are all in Iraq right now doing an absolutely huge volume of business. I know with our cultural differences and difference with interpratation what I'm trying to explain must be very confusing, but you seem like a very god man so I thought I should at least try to explain so you might have a chance to invest because never in our worlds history will there ever be a chance to get this large volume of return on investment.
I know with our cultural differences and difference with interpratation what I'm trying to explain must be very confusing, but you seem like a very god man so I thought I should at least try to explain so you might have a chance to invest because never in our worlds history will there ever be a chance to get this large volume of return on investment.
如果你有风投方面的朋友,可以咨询一下,或许是一个好机会。 但如果没有,就万万不要尝试了。
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