本人去年毕业,十月底来到一个佛山石材陶瓷深加工领域比较好的一家公司做外贸(主营水切割机,陶瓷切割,陶瓷圆弧机,大家有客源的可以私密我哇 ),第一单是在2013年3月开始谈,的好像是四月份成交的。客户A来源是客户在中国的一个朋友B找的我们公司网站,联系到内贸跟单,然后内贸业务跟单转给我跟(注意要和同事搞好关系,否则这个单也不会给我跟了 )
接下来我吧我和客户的联系邮件给大家参考! 希望从细节能够给大家一点参考意见,我认为任何一个成功的单都有一定的借鉴意义的。
Dear sirs,
This refers to your quotation YD-20130318 dated 18th March, 2013.
Please send us physical samples for different functions (production features) of above quoted machine in order to assess the quality and variety of production like chemfering at different angles, groove making and polish quality.
Dear A
Thanks for your reply. Please find the attachment picture. It is the polish quality of the edge. The technic data is in the quotation YD-20130318.
We have lots of customers in Saudi,Dubai,Bahrain,Egypt, Qatar etc. I can also give you some company name as refrence if you need. Arc-edge polishing machine is invented by our company many years ago. Our company is the biggest manufacture of arc-edge polishing machine in China.After the technic is spread, some Chinese company can also make it, but we are sure our company is the best one. I think you will feel confident on our company after you visit our company.
Will you come to China on Canton Fair on 15-19th April? I hope to meet you there.
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best Regards
啊啊 ,帖子发重复了,另外一个完整的在审,吧这个删掉吧
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