30%定金很快到账; 很顺利的做货出货,但是付尾款的出现了问题;
提单出货方 是以代理公司抬头的(我考虑的是万一碰到退货的事情,解决起来会简单一点),现在问题出来了,定金付给我离岸公司,尾款也是,但是单据抬头却是其他公司;哥伦比亚外汇估计是管制的,银行拒付了。因为出的是船东单,改单异常麻烦,另外一方面我个人觉得提单上随便该出货人,会给客人心理上造成不安全感。 我先入为主,给客人提出了解决办法;
1.以我代理公司的名义重新签订一份合同, 金额是现款的70%;
小结: 我们Soho在制单的时候相当于有两个抬头,一个是自己的离岸公司,一个是代理公司;离岸公司不用说,让自己控制了资金流,并且可以以自己单独的名义跟客人交流;而以代理公司出口,各方面也规范很多;两个抬头之间偶尔会遇到类似我这样的问题;遇到类似的问题,可以参考一下我的处理方式。
Hi Alex,
I want to say that our bank rejected the turning operation.
We have the problem that the invoice and transport document is the supplier name: XX1(我的代理公司抬头) but our first payment was made on behalf of: XX2(我的代理公司)
Please colaborame with information for XX1 because we have problems with documentation for the bank.
Thank you,
Dear Carolina,
I am sorry to hear that, We never met this problem with other customer;
XX1 is our export Agent and all our export documents are made by them, while the contract and payment direct to our company.
We use this way is to easy for arrange the export and arrange the documents,
Now the B/L is confirmed and it has passed two weeks and it is very difficult to change the name; do you have advice to solve this problem?
I have one for your reference; for this order, all documents unified with name XX1( same as B/L), and we sign another order under the name of export agent with value of invoice to be 70% of total value, and the payment to our export agent; though we have to pay more tax in this way, but if it is fine, I change the documents to you today.
And the first payment to our account, we may go on for next order, and we export the goods under the name of our company.
Best regards
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