有谁跟我一样收到这个骗子的email啊。呵呵。这年头啥都敢假装。动不动就几百万美金叫你去领。。。连铺垫也不要了。好歹也编几个像样的故事来听听啊。Contact Mr Jimmy Peters For Your Payment
Katherine Dennis <[email protected]>
Headquarter, Western Union Money Transfer 33, Yatch Basin Marina Office Upon-Tyne Eaglewood W7 939
Attention: E-mail Owner,
For 156 years, Western Union has been connecting people. At Western Union, there's so much more than money you're sending. Every sender and receiver is important to us. To celebrate our 156th annual anniversary, we're rewarding our lucky customer’s with prices of USD$1,000,000.00 (1Million United State Dollars)in which your e-mail address was among the lucky winners.
Because you sent money on-line, from an agent location or received money through Western Union, you've been selected as one of the Western Union 2015 award lucky winners
However, you are required to forward the following information to our customer service representative for immediate payment of your (USD$1,000,000.00)
1 )Country:
2.) Beneficiary Name:
3.) Address:
4.) Phone Number:
A service charge of $110 will be required for the authentication and notarization of your payment file from the Western Union Headquarter.
Contact: Mr. Jimmy Peters
Email : [email protected]
You will be contacted by Western Union in the next 24 hours as soon as you forward your required information.
Save time, send money, earn rewards! Western Union is a service people trust Thank you for using Western Union!
We endeavor to maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to guard your Information. We also endeavor to restrict Information access to our employees, agents and representatives that need to know it. Western Union will never disclose your personal or billing information to a third party.
Mrs Katherine Dennis
Western Union Supervisor
楼主要谨慎啊 哈哈 需要帮忙的联系
邮箱里面还QQ.COM, 真够强大的,估计是中国人冒充老外来骗中国人吧。
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