品质——产品质量问题出现了问题怎么办?a) 确定问题:让客户检查线路(电源),确定是我们的灯有问题后拍摄图片或者Video
b) 与研发部了解技术问题:通过客户提供的资料,请研发部确认是个体问题还是生产设计因素;
c) 视乎运费及必要性决定是否退回维修或者下一个订单进行补偿
d) 如客户还有其他产品订单,告诉客户问题症结何在,不同产品有不同设计,并且告知设计电路/生产正在更新,不会再次出现同样状况,以便客户放心继续合作
I am very sorry about this problem to make you inconvenient.
Could you please help us to check and confirm the problem in your side simply?
1. Electric power
Please make sure that our 3x1W-MR16-GU5.3 can work under AC/DC 12V only.
And if you are using electronic transformer, steady-going output is very important.
Could you please send me a picture of your present transformer?
2. Problem Description and Confirmation
Could you please do me a favor to confirm some detail?
I send you a general guide, and then you can confirm where the problem happened or help us to exclude some common problem.
Then we will provide our solution, to call back these lamps or send you some new quality lamps.
3. How about others samples?
How is your test result about 2W-MR11-GU4.0?
And how long will your clients test these samples?
If there is any feedback from them, please let me know.
Sorry again for this problem.
Our engineers have update circuit design to avoid the same problem.
I am very sorry about the problems that make you and your client inconvenient.
Could you please do me a favor to confirm some detail?
Are there just can't light on or other problems?
1. For the bulbs, Include the bulb base type, when you ordered it and the operating environment.
2. For the Panels, Pls check the connection between the power supply, constant current driver and the panels, Check whether it loose between the connection or not.
Usually it have some common problem, You can help us to exclude it.
If can't, Then we will provide our solution, to call back these lamps or send you some new quality lamps.
I'll try my best to deal with this problems and give you best solution.
Sorry again for the problems.
例子 1:
I also want to know,Did other types MR16 have the same problem,such as Type W? as the Type W is another design.
质保—— 质保条款及质保协议
关于报价单中Warranty: 3 years warranty and all life free maintenance.中“all life free maintenance”
1. 营销中的一种策略,售后的一种概念或手段。
2. 报价单上最后一条已经注明“The above information is subject to our final confirmation.”;即该报盘为虚盘。
3. 如果客户要刨根究底,建议采取以下方式;
a) 确定为什么不能交货及何时能够交货:生产安排,设计疑难还是原材料紧缺?
b) 生产能力不足:订单太多,劳动法新法规不能强制加班及加班时间限制,夏天能源限紧张,会有限时间
c) 技术问题:新产品不够成熟,正在改进设计
d) 不能交货:关键原材料缺货,技术难题不能解决-劝说客户选用替代方案,最后方案是取消订单
e) 提前告知客户
I am so sorry that we can’t deliver them immediately, because of the dimmer problem as well.
We want to provide the most quality, and suitable products for your promotion.
If we send out them curtly, it maybe affects your present customers more than delay.
We still need 2-3 days to make sure the lamps and dimmers.
To save your time, I will deliver them through DHL/UPS Express, and then you can receive them in 2 days.
Of course, the plus carrier freight will be responsible by us.
Sincerely apologize for our mistake in this affair.
Dear Sam,
I checked with our engineers last week and this morning.
Your samples can be shipped in this week. as they got IC last week. Now they had to test it.
I called you office last Friday morning. Beijing time. I didn't get through.
I should call you mobile, but I thought that may disturb your rest.
I'm very very sorry about this delay. I urged our company R&D dept many times.But as the IC problems that I told you before.
In order to avoid this problem, we are beginning stock IC and other important material now.
By the way, I will try my best to apply some free samples from C&G for you, this is as our compensation to you.
Sincerely apologize for our delay in this affair.
3. 如果客户的实力不够 ,则可以告知客户我方认为现阶段讨论代理问题还为时过早,也可以委婉的告知由于双方目前还未达成任何交易或交易的金额未达到我方认为代理应完成的量,我方不得不拒绝贵方代理的要求。或是等客户方市场情况转好后我们再来谈代理的事情。
1. We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency as the present stage.
2. We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us we have to decline your request for agency.
3. Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market conditions turn better?
2. 客户有持续订单,但品种较少或者利润率低(例如单一品种小功率),可以在客户新订单时候推荐几款新产品供测试;
3. 客户提到新开拓市场计划,可能需要与众不同的独特产品打开市场渠道;
4. 如客户有持续订单,并且包括了C&G的主要产品(如工矿灯,面板灯等),建议少推荐新产品,因为可能因为不够成熟影响了其他订单的销售力度。
1. About Previous samples
How about your testing and customer’s feedback?
Are they suitable for your project?
Please let me know your comments.
2. New products recommend
C&G Co., LTD just came back from Guangzhou International Lighting Fair.
It seems that LED industry is developing very fast.
And our switch-control lamps are well-received in that show because of unique and functional.
They can be used widely in construction projects, such as hotel, museum, household, etc.
I advise you could think about this product, which quotation attached.
How about your suggestions?
但是由于目前网络的B2B,B2C发展十分迅速 推广的重点渠道在网络方面。
译:We do not have scheduled of Hong Kong exhibition this year.
Hong Kong's exhibition is very good in LED industry . We have attended 2 times before.
However, due to rapidly development of current network such as B2B, B2C
,we focusing on the network promotion.
At the same time due to the high cost of the exhibition, and effect is really not ideal. Also the exhibition costs will be passed on to products, which will reduce the competitiveness of our products. more over, We have accumulated a lot of overseas partners with long-term relatetionship , so we won’t take part in the Hong Kong exhibition temporarily.
In addition, Shenzhen is very close to Hong Kong, if you are free and intrested in our product, You can come to Shenzhen and visit our company, and we can talk face to face. While at the same time experiencing Shenzhen humanities,beautiful scenery, and taste the delicious food.
谢谢 精华啊
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