你给客户打第一个电话的目的到底是什么?让客户下单?还是make appointment?
1.装备了自动应答系统的一般是规模比较大的公司,因为部门比较多,所以会先对拨入的电话进行针对性的分流。一般这样的系统会给出几个选项供你选择,比如“sales department”、“managing department”、“technical department(support)”、“purchasing department”、“customer services”、“general enquiries”,或者会提示“if you know the extention number, please enter it now...”,根据你的需要进行相应的操作即可。有些时候可能并没有“purchasing department”,而你也并不知道你要找的人的extention number,不要紧,因为在你不作出任何操作的情况下,系统一般会默认把你连接到“general enquiries”,也就是前台去。
“Good morning/afternoon, xxx company, xxx speaking (注意尽量听清楚对方的名字,但听不清楚也不要紧,后面挂电话前要问清楚,后面我会提到), how can I help?”
“Good morning afternoon/Hello, this is xxx, from xxx company.”
如果对方没听清楚你的名字或者公司名字,就可能会说“Sorry,your name/your company again?”,这时你需要慢慢重复一遍,甚至最好主动spell给对方知道。
“How can I help?/Who would you like to speak to?”,
A.“We are a xxx (your products) manufacturer/supplier from xxx (China), specialising in/offering (all kinds of) xxx (your products) (in xxx sectors).” “So I am calling to see whether there would be any cooperation possibility/opportunity between us. ”
或者我有时候会换另一种说法,“May I speak to someone who is responsible for purchasing/xxx (your products)?”
(我以前曾经也使用诸如“So I am calling to see whether you/your company would be interested in any xxx products.”这样的表达。但后来发现,使用“interested in ... products”这样的表述,效果没有前面两种好,因为这样的表达相对容易地让对方觉得你是在向他们推销产品,从而产生抵触情绪。相反,“cooperation”这样的字眼相对更能让前台帮你转达信息或者告知你谁是相关负责人。)
A1, 如果前台知道该找谁,这样最好,一般会直接对你说,她帮你接到谁谁谁的线,
“Alright, I'll put you through...; I'll transfer you to...”
A2. 如果前台也不清楚该找谁,或者不确定该不该帮你接线到相关负责人那(毕竟一般人对于销售电话都会有或多或少的抵触情绪)的话,就会请你稍等一下。
“请您稍等一下”的英语表达常见的会有这些:“Just a minute/moment pls; Hold on a second pls; Bear with me (这个英国人用的很多)”。
“Sorry,but xxx is not in/out/out of office at the moment...”
“Sorry,but xxx is busy/at the meeting/tied up with sth at the moment...”
“He's at work at the moment..”
“I'm afraid his line is busy at the moment..”等等。
接着,对方一般会说“Can I take a message for him?”“Can I get him to call you back?”
1. Good morning / Good afternoon! this is xxx, from xxx company May I speak to XX ?
2. What’s your name, please?
3. XXXX, How to spell your name?
4. XXXX, Could you help me to take a message to he/her,please?
My name is Jack, J-A-C-K.; My company is XXX, X-X-X-X;
Please tell him confirm my E-mail on May 15th., The title is: XXXXXX ,It’s about XXXXX,
5. XXXX,I have an very urgent and important thing to tell XXXX, it’s about our products price and quality. I send him email today, But I received the failure notice, the email was returned. Can you give me your email address and help me to transfer my email to XXXXX.?
6. That's all.XXXX, Thank you for patience and help Goodbye.
建议采取第二种做法, 所以这里简单谈谈第二种处理方法。
“No problem / That's allright / That's ok,
may I make another call later? / may I call back later?”
“Yes/Sure,he will be available/back/in 2 hours later/after 3pm/tommorrow etc.”
“Yes, but he wont be back/in until next Monday;
Yes, but he is on holiday now, he wont be back until 某月某日...”)
“Yes you can/Sure.”
“Could you pls suggest the time to call back/for another call?;
What time would you suggest to call him?;
What will be the good time to call back/for calling back/for another call?”
另外,假如之前没听清楚相关负责人是谁的话,那挂电话之前要切记要问清楚!把下次打电话要联系的人的名字记下,最好还记下他的部门或者职位,比如sales manager, purchasing manager, managing director等等。下次打电话的时候,就直接单刀直入找他了。如果忘记这一步,那之前所做的努力算是白费了。
比较幸运的结果是,找到了相关的负责人,并且他和你通电话。那边很可能会问有什么可以帮到你诸如此类的话,“How can I help?/What's it about?/What's it regard to?/What's the concern?”
(1) Good morning / Good afternoon! This is Jack from C&G, May I speak to XX ?
(2) Hello, XX, I’m Jack from C&G,
(3) I got your name and phone number on Guangzhou lighting fair./ from internet that you are in the market for LED light.
Are you have free time now?
or Are you convenient to listen my phone right now ?
or Do you mind I spend you 1 or 2 minutes?
(4) We have nearly five years experiences on High Power LED light. We are specialized in R&D manufacturing, and marketing. LED light We want to supply our good products and best service to you. We believe our products can help you get more profit in your market.
Or: Our new customers like you told us .Our products help them occupy LED lighting market quickly, increase their turnover and make them get more money.
Follow ,ask questions:
(1)What products do you mainly engaged in ?
(2)How about your business?
(3)Did you sell led before? Or what is your plan of led lighting in the near future ?
(4)What is the market quotation of LED light in your country?
(5)What is the type of your end customer and market?
(6)Can you tell me some information about your order?
(7)Do you sell your lighting fixture with our led bulbs together?
(8)Can you give me your Skype or MSN?
(9)Will you plan to join in the lighting fair?
(5) I will send you information that may help to you make decision by E-mail. I need to confirm your Email. Your Email is XXXXX? Is it right or wrong?
(6) Thanks for spending a long time listen my phone. Hope this can give you satisfaction.
Thank you. Goodbye.
两个选择:1. 留言;2. 无视之,然后另外再挑一个时间打过去。建议给对方留言;
Hello, XXXX, This is Jack from C&G, please pay attention to my email on May 15th. The title is: XXXXXX ,It’s about XXXXX, Our XXX with special patent and technology can help you occupy LED lighting market quickly, increase your turnover and make you get more money..If any of these items be of interest to you, please let me know, I will be very happy to give you details. Have a nice day.
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