1, 如果他怀疑led的市场前景,我们应该找一些led相关方面的报告给他看,以增强他的信心。可以引用官方语言,例如,欧洲09年将会禁止使用百枳灯(建议最好在电话里面讲)
2, 如果他需要时间准备的话,我们可以协助他准备一下。(根据具体的情况而定)
For above situation ,we have several methods to solve ,
A, This month is a busy month , there are many orders queuing on the production line .As you know , normally the bank need 3 or 4 days transfer the payment, In order to send you samples in time , I should arrange your order in advance. So I hope you can confirm with me soon and send me copy payment after you wire the transfer .
B, there are several doubtful points in the invoice . if the customers don’t know how to do , we can give them a suggestion and lead them as our mind .
C, For led products , it is more early more better .And you need a long time to test the quality .So I am afraid it will be late when you are sure . So we suggest you to try the market earlier ,then you have competitive advantage to get the market .
D, As you now , There are inflation of economic now in china ,and at the same time , the US dollars depreciate .So most of the manufactory in china will increase their price now including us . So I am afraid the price will change soon . And it is not the same price as I sent you before .
1. :客户远期询盘
2. :客户即将下单
如果再订20000USD,我们就可以从CREE,SSC,OR TAIWAN获得1%折扣,所以我们再可以给你1%的折扣.
再次C&G一直致力于大功率LED 灯,所以能控制成本,除了LED CHIP,灯杯,电路这两部分我们自己研发,而且还有自己的工厂,所以给你有竞争力的价格.
Long-term enquiry
For your price quotation, I must tell my boss to give you the discounts.
For 20000USD, I try my best to give you 2% discount for marketing promotion.
For our long-term business, I give a permission, we can design packing boxes for you once you order over 500pcs for each category.
For speeding up marketing promotion, we bear 20% air freight as 2% discounts.
Once you order now, I will send you 2 pcs for each new products launched in 2009.
For 50000,100000USD, C&G have already give you 2% discount. My general manager must negoticiate with my suppliers for further discounts.
My suppliers are happy to have sufficient proof to give a further discounts. When do you need to place this order, how many pieces for each category.Then,I will give the further discounts direct to you.
For instant order
Giving the discounts equals to the same value of products.
For our long-term business, I give a permission, we can design packing boxes for you once you order over 500pcs for each category. Even some of your order haven’t reached that starting ordering quantity.
For speeding up marketing promotion, we bear 30% air freight as 3% discounts.
Once you order now, I will send you 2 pcs for each new products launched in 2009.
You can get 1% discount, when you prepay 60% amount of payment.Because, we will buy raw material by cash,the suppliers will allow us 1% discouts.
If you order (20000USD) more, we can give you 1% discount which is allowed by the CREE,SSC,TAIWAN CHIP supplier.
面对客户提出的各种技术要求,我们怎么办? 首先问清楚客户为什么要有这个要求 然后分析: 1.客户的这种要求是否合理 是否现实? 如果不合理不现实,询问客户为什么要有这种要求?
是必须要 还是随意问问。跟客户从专业角度解释原因,撤回要求并转而提出合理现实而且容易实现的要求。
如客户要求提供MR16 5万小时的光衰报告 可以解释:5万小时需要5年以上的点亮测试,可行性太低,可以提供1000小时内的测试报告,并附部分公司的LM80证书及规格书(如SHARP COB,CREE LED)。解释我们的产品电子元器件质量好,散热好 能保证LED在稳定适宜环境下工作 2. 如果是客户合理现实而且必须要的技术要求,业务员应该清楚我们可以做到什么,哪些要求目前暂时无法做到。可以同市场部同事获技术部同事沟通。还要分析客户潜力是否值得为满足客户的技术要求花费人力物力。 如果客户要datasheet 可以解释说正在更新 稍后发给客户。 We are updating our technical specification, I will send it to you once available. 其实最最关键的还是:技术部提供一份全面准确的技术资料 包括:流明值 照度 电流 包装 光曲线图等
1. 问客户该新产品的市场需求有多大?只有客户告诉我们一个明确的需求量,每月的需求量达到20000USD以上,我们才安排研发。而且在提供手板样品后,要求下一个试订单,我们才会开始开模。
2. 反之,客户需求量没有达到我们最低要求,又让我们开发的产品,将会向客户收取一笔研发费用。
3. 需要问客户何时需要此样品?寄样品后,什么时候会下订单?
4. 关于样品,要问客户的使用环境,是否需防水等级等。
5. 是否需要各种认证?
6. 是客户要还是客户的客户需要?
7. 业务员要分析改产品是否和我公司产品所做的方向是否一致,进行评估。区分客户的真实需求。
1. Could you let us know how many QTY required in every month?Only if your product value above 20,000USD,and make a order after you confirm hand model products,we could develop it to you for free.Otherwise,we should charge a certain deveoping fee on it.
2. Moreover,when will you need this sample?When will you confirm first order after received our sample?
3. For this products,what’s your application?Do you need water-proof?
4. Do you need any relative certificate for it?
5. Do you provide this product for some special customers?Or you need to show all your customers?
我们产品都是根据CE要求的设计的, EMC是根据标准EN55015, LVD是按照标准EN60598和EN60968设计的. (UL是根据标准UL1993 设计的) 我们目前已经在申请相关认证, 证书还需要一段时间才能拿到.但是您可以先开始推广市场, 相信您也已经看到,LED灯饰市场目前竞争非常激烈,时机就是商机. 所以我建议您可以每种先买2~3样品先进行测试.
Our products are designed according to the CE standards,
For EMC our products are comply with the Latest standards EN55015,EN61547,EN61000-3-3,EN61000-3-2: For LVD, our products are comply with the standards 60968,62031,60061,62471: For UL, Our LED Tube have UL certificate, File number is E336447,E336448.It comply with standard UL1993 ,UL8750 and UL1310.
Now we are planning apply the relative certificates, and it will take a long time. But before that, I think you can start to promote the market .
As you know, now the competition is very intense in LED lighting industry, catching the time means catching the money.
As I told you before, we also have some customers in your country, such xsxxx .Our product receive warm response in your market.
加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息 加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种
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