


对中国企业来说,要想与国外企业建立成功的商业关系,知道如何与外国客户以及外国潜在客户沟通至关重要,这也正是本书第一部分的主题。同时,在与外国客户进行远程交涉,或当有外国客户来华拜访你时,明白要如何表现也很重要。对方在见到你的第一时间就会形成对你的印象。因此在最开始的时候通过正确的做事方式给对方留下一个好印象非常重要,这也是第三部分的主题所在。请记住,学习如何对待外国与你职位相当的客户并不是你单方面的付出。明智的外国人也会在来中国之前搜集一些有关这个国家及现有环境的信息,并试着理解当地商业的基本运作方式。他们甚至还会参加研讨班学习如何在中国或者与中国商人做生意。如果他们没有这么做,我们可以帮助他们。为你的外国客户提供一本有关“中国文化”或“中国商业”的书便是一个能够帮助他们了解中国的不错方式。话虽这么说,但当你在世界各地旅行时你会发现在所有的文化里,基本的礼仪几乎都是相同的。比如保持清洁、不说谎、说话平缓、学会倾听、感恩、为别人留门、坐姿端正、合适的眼神交流以及积极向上的态度等。现在就来看看一些中国商人对待外国访客时应注意的地方吧。 你是否真正了解在中国接待外国客户的基本礼仪?

You actually do not know about the rules how to treat your foreign clients

It is important for Chinese businesses to know how to communicate with foreign clients and foreign potential clients in order to make for a successful business relationship. This was the topic of the first part. It is equally important to know how to act when dealing with foreign clients remotely or foreign clients visiting you in China. People form their opinion of you from the very first moment they engage in an exchange with you. It is of the utmost importance to leave a very good impression from the very beginning by doing things the right way. This is the topic of this part.

Keep in mind that learning how to deal with a foreign counterparts not a one-way effort.Wise foreigners coming to China also gather knowledge about the country and the environment prior to their arrival and try to gain a basic understanding of how things run in this side of the world. They even attend seminars on how to do business in and with China. If they don't, we can help them. Offering your foreign guest a book about "Chinese culture" or "Business in China" is a nice gesture that could help in that education process.

That being said,when traveling around the globe, you will realize that the basics of civility are almost the same in every culture. It is always good practice to encourage cleanliness, not lie, speak slowly and learn how to listen, be grateful, hold the door for others, sit straight and maintain reasonable eye contact, be positive, and so forth and so on.

Let's take a quick look at some of the areas we can start being mindful of when welcoming our foreign guests in China.

Do you actually know the basic etiquette of receiving a foreign customer in China?

提示 1: 可以说“不”

我所经历的中国文化是没有对抗性的。在与中国人交流时,他们一般都很得体且考虑周全。他们很少会直视我的眼睛,也很少说出他们对我或者我提的条件不满意的地方。他们会以其他的形式表达分歧,并由我来决定是否要试着去解读或解释他们所传达出的信号。我告诉我的中国朋友,我是一个商人,尽管很棘手,我也需要一个诚实的反馈。当然也包括大多数的外国人。如果你们的公司曾与来自北欧国家的公司有过往来,那你们应该已经接触过这些地方直接坦率的文化了。即使对一个外国买家明确地说“抱歉我们做不到”,也没有谁会受到什么伤害。但当你说“这可能有点困难”时,你会给你的外国听众传递错误的信息。对我而言这可能意味着“虽然有点难,但我们还是会努力去做,或许可以成功”。这与“我明白这是你们的需求,但是由于 新的城市规定,我们没有做这个的权限”还是有很大差别的。如果这看起来太直白,可以在这句话的前面加一点积极的论调,传递的也是相同的信息,比如说“我明白这是你们的需求。我们很希望能为您提供这样的服务,您也知道,我们一直以来都按照你们的要求来做,不过因为新的城市规定,我们不再有这么做的权限了。”在许多文化里,保持沉默并非是表达分歧的一种标准方式,不过在中国 是这样的。我曾遇到过对方没有回答我的观点或问题的情况,我很疑惑为什么对方要忽视我。后来我才明白当时对方给了我回答,而回答是否定的。在这些情况中,没有回答意味着“不”。这虽然不至于让我的中国客户显得无礼,但会让像我一样的外国人感到不自在。

Pointer 1: It'sOK to say "no"

Chinese culture as I have come to experience it is not confrontational. People in China are very diplomatic and considerate in their interactions. They would rarely look at me straight in the eyes and tell me everything they don't like about me or what I'm offering. They would rather express their disagreement in other forms, and it's up to me to try to read and interpret the signals. I tell my Chinese friends that I'm a businessman and can handle a tough but honest feed-back. And so do most foreigners. If your company has dealt with partners originating from Northern European countries, it is likely that you have experienced the straight-forward nature of those cultures.No one would get hurt when a foreign buyer is told a clear "Sorry we cannotdo that". When you say instead "This might be a little difficult to do", you send the wrong message to the foreign listeners. For me it might mean "It is difficult to do it but we will try to make it anyways and wewill maybe succeed". Very different from the "I understand this is what you need, but given the new city regulations, we are not authorized to do it." If this seems too confrontational, the same meaning could be conveyedby adding a positive tone at the beginning of the sentence. Something like"I understand this is what you need. We would have loved to provide that service to you. You know, we've always done it the way you requested it, but given the new city regulations, we are not authorized to do it anymore."In many cultures, staying silent is not a standard answer to express disagreement, but in China it is. I have run into situations where my messagesor questions were not being answered, leaving me wondering why I was being ignored. I found out later that this meant the answer to my requests was negative, and no answer in those cases just meant "no". This doesn't make my Chinese counterparts disrespectful, but it just creates some uneasiness for the foreigner that I am.



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