
Here is the concern mail for your reference

Dear customer,
Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is spreading across the world, its negative impact on the world economy becomes more and more serious. Although the epidemic situation is improving at home China, we should work closely with the World Health Organization, intensify analysis and prediction on global epidemic development, improve measures for dealing with the risk of imported infections and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries.
As a responsible manufacturer from China, our trading company with all our team members and workers will try our best to fulfill our responsibilities and guarantee quality and quantity to your orders as before. All our communication channels will keep working normally – telephone, email, WhatsApp and WeChat.
Here are some tips:
1.You may encounter customs clearance problems of the local customs and detention of your goods in the port. Please be prepared in advance.
2.If you need a large number of masks, please contact me for details.
3.Epidemic prevention measures
1)No gathering, no entertainment, stay at home and avoid contacting with others
2)Wear face masks when you have to go out
3)Don’t forget washing your hands when you come from outside
4)Keep clean. Ventilate in the morning, middle and evening three times a day for 20-30 minutes each time.
5)If the temperature is over 37.2 ℃, please do not enter the building to work, and go home to observe and rest, if necessary, go to the hospital for treatment.
One world,one family,there is no boundary between us in this special epidemic. Please take care of yourselves and your families and friends. We must go through the epidemic and all win this battle against the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Best regards


concern mail is useness

Is it you or CCTV ?
I am afraid that few customers in western countries will like to read it.



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