About the Markline plan I think I need to supplement some thing :First of all ,I think I need you know when Markline will operation smooth ,when the agent company receive your banking letter they will supply all the necessary document to Panyu government –Guangzhou government—Guangdong government (if pass we will got a foreigner investement licence may be need two months) ,after then the agent will prepare all the document to supply local government (Panyu government ) to got other licence ( may be one month ).
Mean after 3 month Markline will start to do the business .but we also not finish the documents job .we also need to prepare to apply one importance licence ---return tax licence .the agent company not involve to apply the licence so we need to find the accountant office to help .
The return tax licence is very importance for our company .because when we export the goods to oversea we can return some tax form the government .but this licence not very easy to got .so we must find the accontant office to help .they will teach us how to do .may be 2-3 month will got it .before that the goods we exported can not got the return tax .
May be 6 month ago Markline will exact to do business .
Now I will show you the budget for you reference:
1. staff benefits
1)salary (RMB3500-RMB4000 per one person per one month )
About the oversea person ,I think the salary will be base salary add commission .the base salary will be RMB1800-RMB2000 .About the national person the salary will be RMB2000-RMB2500 which person not the commission .just have the base salary .
About the commission it is very importance for the oversea person .first of all the oversea person main job is find the foreign customer .so if we pay the commission then the employee will hard to work and will be very love the job .may be can find more new order get more profit for Markline .(so I need to talk with you aobut the comission detail ).
2)Benefit ( RMB400-RMB600 per one person per one month)
In china all the compnay also need to offer the social insurance and the medical treatment insurance and so no .may be RMB400-RMB600 per one perston per one month .
3)accommodation (RMB700 per one month .three rooms) and meal (RMB700-800 per one month for all the staff)
Why I thought that ,because we are a trading company our main market is European .so we have time difference .may be the oversea person need to work until middle night .and other reason near our office not have the dining-room .for me I need to rent a house and have diner here .i also need to spend RMB700 per one month .so the salary of the staff will be low much .
I hope you can take care that ,if Markline can supply good staff and benefits to the employee .i believe the staff will give more profit for Markline and will loyalty our company .good job have good benefits . good benefits have good job .i think so .i hope Markline and the staff will be -----win win !
2 . office equipment RMB23700.00
Marklie will be employ some people very soon .and may be more and more customer will visit our company .so some equipment is necessary .
1) 5 sets of desk may be RMB700-RMB900 per one . total RMB4000.00
2) 5 sets of chair may be RMB300-RMB400 per one . total RMB1750.00
3) 1 document tank may be RMB500 totalRMB500.00
4) 1 set of furniture—for meeting or then the customer visit our company have some
place to sit and talking may be RMB1800-RMB2500
5) 2 sets of air-condition one small for the folt .one big for the downstairs
may be RMB6000.00-7000.00
6) 2 sets of new computer . may be RMB8000.00-RMB9000.00
7) Some new stationery may be RMB200-RMB300
May be TOTAL: RMB23700.00
3 . Company development RMB24800.00
1) Markline need to make some advert .example become a pay member of Alibaba may be RMB20000.00-RMB25000.00 .or other BtoB website .
2) We also need to print our owe catalogue ,these few day I will prepare that job .may be RMB2000.00-RMB3000.00 (design a beautifully catalogue and prints a lot then send to oversea client )
My be we can arrange that project now .
4. overhead expensive RMB15264 (i guess one month have two container to export )
Network charge RMB250.00 ( one month )
Rent and electric RMB3300.00
Teltphone and Fax RMB500-RMB800
Accountant charge RMB2000.00 ( per one month ,sing a contract with the agent)
Shipment charge USD300 (per one 40’ container ,you also can pay in Denmark)
Train charge RMB1500-RMB2000 (per one 40’ container )
Custome charge RMB250-RMB300 (per one set of document ,if the two set of document means have two factory goods in one container .that will be double)
Businese trip I don’t know how much .
Client entertaining I don’t know how much
5. abou the turnover near these 3 year
Form now Markline total have been export 3 containers to Denmark .total amount about USD 143686.00 ,means each container will be USD47895.00
I very hope Markline will be use all the advantage to improve very soon .me and all the staff will be do my best to opening the market and make some new order .
First year : each month we will attain 2 or 3 40’ container to export the turnover will be USD1,436,850.00
Second year : we will add one or two oversea person to open the market .and my be our business line will be extend so may be each month will attain 4-5 containers per one month ,the turnover will be USD2,586,330.00
Three year : may be we can double and double .i have hope so .and I believe Markline can do that .
well done
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