加拿大进出口外贸Staff frame and responsible(这是我给外国老板写的工作计划,多多指教)


I think Markline will be set up very soon ,so I think Markine will be have a general plan in the future .
This is very importance at first ,it will be instruct me how to do in the future .

Markline have a very good advantage now .since 2006 our country allow the foreign company set up a trading company in chian .as I know Markline will be the firstest group in china  . other reason you and Fibema will be help Markline a lot in European to open the market .in china we can use the BtoB website to find the foreign customer .example Alibaba .Made-in-china .and so no .

China is a very big market ,you can find more right products here ,and the price also low than other country .have much competitive .at the first we main deal with Food processing machine and Refrigeration equipment .may be one year agao we will add some other product line .

At first we need to add the staff .i think during this two year five staff will be ok .please see my map ,three oversea sale person ,two national sale person .now I will show you my opinion for you reference :

At the begining i think one or two Oversea sale person is ok ,because I also can make a good Oversea sale person .the staff must have a good skill in english .and the international trading experience .they main job is find the customer via BtoB website .they need to know how to talk with the customer .know some product information .trading policy ,trading documents and more importance think is honesty ( Oversea sale person is very importance position in a company ,they will know all the customer information and all the factory information  if they are very bad they will harm our company profit . )

So choose and management this Oversea sale person will more importance .if we employ one that  just graduate form the university may be they just know english .but don’t know how to do the job .we need to spen more time to teach the perston .if we employ a good person who have good english skill ,more experience .that mean the person will be very soon got the profit for our company .so  manage that person will be more careful . ( china is a very big market .more and more sale person when they have enough money and have the foreign customer and all the factory information they will do they job by heself  ,may be other reason they will give the foreign customer information to other company to earn more money )

So choose is the first .then we need to know how to manage this Oversea sale person .
1)        we must have two department versea department and the national department .oversea person main job is find the oversea customer .talk with the overeas customer .got the order .( the national department will supply all the information that the oversea person need ,this two department will cooperation very close ). The national person main job is contact the factory ,arrange the order with the factory ,check the goods ,contact the examination department to check the goods ,contact the shipment agent ,custome ,transport company ,paper job .document job and deal with the account .means deal all the national thing in china .
2)        Now our company have two line of product .-Food processing machine and Refrigeration equipment .so I think the Oversea sale pepson need to choose one .not two . if Person 1 choose Food machine he just contact the food machine customer .if Person 2 choose the Refrigeraton meas he only need to contact the Refrigeration customer .then they will cooperation together very well .and help eachother .then the sale person will don’t know all the customer information of our company .
3)        In china the young person change they job more offen .so if the person can got the money for Markline and everything is good .we need to save this staff  forever .we must have good salary ,good beneficient ,and make some encouragement policy examply additional holiday .additional cash .social insurance and so no .give the staff very good development room also very importance .then we can save the employee and got more profit .

About how to manage the National sale person :

1)        I think the National sale person will be easy to manage than the Oversea sale person .i think they english skill not very importance .but experience will be moer importance .because they need to know how to contact with factory ,shipment company ,custome ,transport company ,examination department, deal with the  account  .they also need to know how to do the paper job .document job .more importance thing they will be more chariness .
2)        National person is differ with the Oversea person ,they need to do all the company job .so they need to know more operation skill of the coampny .
3)        The last one also about the benefit ,if Markline can supply a good benefit to the staff  ,I think all the taff will be happy to know in Markline .

Operation of Markline

When Markline got all the licence from the governmetn ,means we can operation all the company .

In my opinion I think have three parts need to take care :
1)        develop oversea market
2)        establish good relationship with the national factory and company
3)        deal with all the relationship with the china government

In china the tax department and the custome department is very very important ,we msut take care all the newest policy .do all the think is right .

So at the beginning of Markline I suggest we can cooperate with the accountant office and the agent company ( that company can help us to export the goods via custome) :
1)        Accountant office is a profession agent company to help company take care with the tax department .and help the staff of our company to deal all the work about the account .and the office will supply all the news infmoranton from the governmernt and assist us to deal with the account problems .that mean we can cut dowm a lot of mistake .
2)        About export the goods we can find other agent company to help ,in our city more and more that company ,they accept by the government .and offer the service to help the small company to export the goods .it is very convenience for us .the more importance think if we have any problem during export the goods they also assist ue to solve the problem .






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