帮朋友发贴,以下是一个为论文准备的问卷调查,目的在于研究我们常常需要面临的会议是否真的必要,是不是每一次会议都能够给我们带来成效,很希望能有您的参与来帮助我们更好的了解并提出解决提高会议效率的建议~谢谢各位~Hello everyone,
Are you interested in saving time by making your weekly meetings more effective? Are most meetings you are in not really interesting? Lots of time gets wasted in meetings in organizations today, but it can be better! Currently, I'm doing primary research on peoples experiences and preferences and have created a survey to determine how we can optimize our meeting time.
Id be happy to share the results with anyone that takes it, so if you r interested, please consider it.
Takes you minutes but could save you hours!
Please go here
Chinese version
Thank you
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