加拿大进出口外贸How to set up a guangzhou Foreign Funded Company


Do you want to register or set up a Foreign Funded Company in guangzhou China? Let "webond" help you. Webond Consulting Limited supplies all-around services concerning registering onshore and offshore companies, auditing, accounting, taxes, patent, business consulting and investment management advices to all kinds of companies and investors.

Now let's have a general understanding of the foreign funded company and the procedure for registration.

Firstly, it is necessary to make it clear what is the definition of a wholly foreign owned enterprise. It is a limited liability company wholly owned by the foreign investor(s). The foreign investor(s) can be a nature person or a legal entity, including those from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Generally speaking, for manufacturing and trading enterprise, the registered capital is required RMB 1 million or above. Once the business license is issued, 15% of the registered capital should be paid up during 3 months, with the balance being remitted within 2 years. All of the registered capital can be paid in one time or several times.

Government Processing Procedure

1、Name registration with Guangzhou Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce
2、Approval application from the Fire and Environment Bureau for manufacturing industry
3、Pre-approval for some special industries
4、Certificate of Approval issued by Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou Municipality
5. Business License issued by Guangzhou Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce (GZABIC).
6、Apply for stamps with the Public Security Bureau
7、Organization Code License issued by Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau
8、Tax Certificates issued by National & Local Tax Bureau
9  Foreign Exchange Registration Card issued by State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)
10、Apply for the permits for the bank account opening,open foreign currency and RMB account
11、Financial Registration Certificate issued by Finance Bureau

[ 本帖最后由 mazy 于 2013-7-19 10:02 编辑 ]
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