


1. 安排在合适的时机。


2. 活动要深入个人层面。


3. 名人效应。


4. 简单至上。


5. 专注于目标。




[ 本帖最后由 斑马海外仓-贰婷 于 2014-9-12 10:14 编辑 ]

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has proved the marketing strength for charity of social media worldwide. This social contact storm is never seen before, and as for the business people who try to decode the secrets of the success of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, they may learn some important lessons, which can also be helpful for us salespeople.

1. Good timing.

This ALS Ice Bucket Challenge started in June and culminated in August, The timing was perfect, because it was the time when the war of Middle East and the turbulence in Ferguson town Missouri kept being reported in evening news, so the Ice Bucket Challenge could be in sharp contrast with these tragedies. Summer is a good season for vacations, and people can be able to participate in the challenge. For us salespeople, it is also important to arrange our sales activities according to seasons and timing. We must make the best of the favorable seasons, and distinguish the busy seasons from the off seasons. We should collect customers’ information in the off seasons and make sales plans, and take actions in the good timing, so we can get endless orders.

2. Deepen the activity into a personal level.

Make people get soaked by ice water from the top of the head to raise people's awareness for the charity and ALS, because awareness needs to be raised by actions. And that means when we are introducing products to customers we should raise their full awareness for our products, so we need to introduce the products with professional knowledge and add vivid description or use substitution method to make the customers fully understand the functions of the products. If the functions of your products can really meet the customers' needs, they might want to make a further understanding of your products, and they may introduce some other customers to purchase from you!

3. Celebrity charm.

After some local celebrities and sports stars participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge the activity became popular and attracted leaders of all industries. Celebrity charm can also work for promoting activities and products. In the process of marketing we will often mention that we have been the original equipment manufacturer for some brands in some countries and have cooperated with some big brands, and this is what we call "celebrity charm". When we are promoting precuts to customers “celebrity charm” works well. For one thing the customer would know that our companies have a vast source of customers and are famous in the industry, and cooperating with demanding customers shows the high quality of our products.

4. Simplicity is the best policy.

KISS is a well-known principle for designing, which shows that simple designs are usually better than the complex ones. It is just like our communication with customers. If we simplified the complex questions and help customers better understand the problems, we can shorten the time for communication and solve the problems more efficiently. When the customers say our products are not suitable, we should analyze and find out the reasons. Is it because the customers do not need to buy the products or is it because the problem of prices or quality? And after we make a further communication with them and we find out the reasons we should solve efficiently. If it is the problem of price, we should emphasize the quality of the products, instead of complicate the simple problem and try to make various explanations the customers.

5. Focus on the target.

Judged by the sum of donation the Ice Bucket Challenge raised, the charitable marketing activities that spread in a virus-disseminating way can still be beneficial for charity. When making sales marketing, our ultimate goal is to cooperate with customers and get the orders. So how should we achieve the goal? We need to lead the customers with our sales skills in our cooperation with them, and we should always put customers first. The process could be as long as months to more than a year. However, the longer the time is the more problems we could meet with. But in order to achieve the ultimate goal every effort is worthwhile!

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge can be an only successful activity that you can meet in your life, whose success is impossible to be clone. As salespeople we can learn a lot from this activity so as to improve our sales volumes literally. My friend, did you learn something?

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