本人长期居住在广州,有一家进出口贸易公司,想和国内的工厂提供进出口抬头..欢迎洽谈 ..QQ:675080748经营范围:纺织品、针织品及原料批发;货物进出口(专营专控除外)、金属制品批发..
Zouping Weihang coating equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Binzhou city in Shandong Province, design and manufacture without environmental pollution coating equipment and car maintenance equipment. The factory covers an area of about 7000 square meters. There are 2 engineers, more than 20 technical experts and more than 40 employees in the financial department, marketing department and customer service department in our company. Our company mainly aims at the domestic and foreign managements. Major products including car paint spray booth, furniture paint spray booth, high-temperature paint spray booth, sanding room, industrial equipment spraying, coating line, lift machine and environment protecting and dust free equipment. Over the years, our enterprise has been adhering to the business philosophy of "people-oriented, credibility first", to fully understand the customers’ needs and try our best to meet the customers’ needs and to solve customers’ any problems. In this way our company won a good reputation in all the companies in this field.
电话: 400-619-7178
QQ: 1443908921
Skype: Pilot-Victor
邮箱: [email protected]
伟航涂装官方网站: www.zpweihang.net
微信账号: weihangtuzhuang
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