

1、        业务人员在国外采购商的询价,做出产品报价前,应了解客户基本信息,包括是否终端客户、年采购能力、消费区域,以及产品的用途、规格及质量要求,我公司是否能够生产等。
Before quoting, the Salesman should know the basic information about the clients, for instance, the end users or not, the annual order quantity, the places of consuming, and the products the purposes, specification, quality and the abilities whether our factories to meet.
2、        对于外商的邮件、传真,原则上在24小时内答复;特殊情况需要延期的,应及时向外商解释及大概需要的时间。
Generally as a rule, to reply the clients’ mails shall be within 24 hours after receiving; and please explain the reasons to the clients due to the things particular and need more time to deal with.
3、        对于外商的产品报价,原则上按照公司财务部门经核算后的价格表(外销)执行;公司财务部门根据市场状况及生产成本,定期进行核算,对产品价格进行调整。
Quotations will be according to the prices list (for oversea market) made by the company Accounting Department, which will make prices adjustments according to the market and the production cost at regular periods.
4、        对于定单数量较大,外商所能接受的价格低于我公司公布的价格的,业务人员应先上报部门经理批准实施;部门经理不能批复的,报总经理批准后实施。
For big orders, the acceptable price from the clients is lower than our listed price, the salesman shall first report this to the manager of the departments for approval; and when the manager have no rights to approve, the price will directly go to the general manager for approval.
5、        对于C&F及CIF报价,需要我方办理运输、保险的或需要进行法定检验的等事项,业务人员应事先联系相关中介机构进行确定,选择中介机构应考虑业务熟练、服务效率高及收费合理。   
In C&F or CIF price terms, the salesman shall contact and deal with related companies in advance to confirm the things of shipment, insurance, commodity inspection etc. The basic conditions for selecting the related companies will be considering rich and professional practices, service with high efficiency and good prices.
6、        对于外商的寄样要求,原则上要求到付;对于样品数额较大,原则上对方承担成本费用。在正式定单后,可以扣除成本及寄样费用。特殊情况,如关系比较好的老客户,我方可以预付并免收样品,报部门经理批准后执行。费用较大的,可报总经理批准后执行。
Per the clients’ requirements of sending samples, freight collect shall be generally required; and when the samples quantity is large, the cost shall be charged accordingly. However the cost and freight paid by the clients will be deducted in the trial orders. In cases particular, for instance the clients with long tern and firm relations, we can pay the freight in advance with the samples free after approved by the manager of the departments,or by the general manager if the amount is large.
The salesman shall coordinate closely with the production departments in the samples making process to guarantee the quality and specifications meeting the clients’ requirements, and send the samples after the approval by the final checking up of manager department.  
7、        付款方式上,原则上考虑前TT全部或部分作为定金,剩余见提单传真件付款,及全部短期信用证。收汇银行和业务员负责对信用证做形式和内容的检查,发现差异的,应及时通知外商修改。信用证审查无误后,报部门经理复核。
Generally as a rule, the following ways of payments will be considered:
1, wire transfer 100 in advance
2, wire transfer part as deposit, the balance against copy of B/L.
3, 100% L/C at sight
Our beneficiary bank and the salesman will check up the L/C in form and contents respectively, and inform the clients to make change in time if differences existing, and submit to the manager of the departments for re-checking after no faults or differences found in advance..
8、        原则上,公司在收到外商的全部货款、部分定金及信用证经复核无误后,开始安排生产计划,组织货源,进行生产。
As a general rule, the company will arrange the material and plan for production after receiving the payments in above No.8 terms.
9、        在定单生产阶段,业务人员应到生产车间会同生产主管对产品生产进行监督、检查,发现问题及时解决;或由部门经理协调解决,或部门经理上报总经理解决。严格把握产品的规格、质量、包装、生产时间符合同外商的约定。
In the production processing, the salesman shall be at the workshop to supervise and inspect the production with the person in charge, to find and solve the problems in time, or to report the problems to the manager of the department for coordinating to solve, or to report to the general manager for solving, to guarantee the specification, the quality, the packing and production time according to the requirements of the clients.
10、        对于C&F、CIF价格条款的,业务人员应在生产结束前一周,安排好货代,确定定舱事宜;一般在船期前二日,安排装柜、运输。
In C&F and CIF price terms, the salesman shall arrange and confirm the shipments with the related agents a week in advance, and to load the goods to the container and transport the goods two days in advance.
11、        需要委托中介机构进行报关、商品法定检验、保险的,业务人员应及时准备相关资料交中介机构办理;办理过程中,业务人员可以协助。
The salesman will prepare the concerned documents for the Customs declaration, Specified goods’ inspection and Insurance by related departments if needed; the salesman can make coordination in the process.
12、        收汇方式为信用证的,业务人员必须细心操作,谨慎处理,注意单证的一致性,做到安全收汇。
In the cases of L/C payments, the salesman need to deal with carefully and cautiously to sure the consistency of the documents and the L/C and to receive the funds safely.
13、        全部收汇后,业务人员请对相关资料进行整理,将相关单据较财务部门及时外汇局、税务局办理核销、退税。并注意对外商的售后服务,进行跟踪,以建立长期的可信赖合作伙伴关系。
The salesman shall do the classification and collation of the business documents, and submit the related to the accounting department for the purposes of foreign exchange settlement in the concerned administration departments timely. And to keep the service work aiming to establish long-term reliable cooperation partners.

挺好的啊 。。。。。






谢谢楼主辛苦了, 我顶!

good! thanks !~






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