深圳顺福,便携式新风机Product features:
1. Anions can effectively precipitate and remove PM2.5 particles, bacteria, pollen and second-hand smoke around us through adsorption, aggregation and decomposition.
2. The air passing through the fan is purified and distributed into the region in front of the wearer's face. The product can also be placed on a desk. No matter where it is used, the user will get clean purified air to breathe.
3. It has no replaceable filters or consumables, so there are no further running costs.
4. 4. The fan can make people have a soothing and decompression effect when it is hot outside.
Operation instructions
1. Press the button to start, the blue light will come on.
2. Press the button again to select the appropriate fan speed. This product has three speeds. When set to the maximum speed, if button is pressed it will power off.
3. If the blue light flashes, it indicates power is low and device requires to be recharged.
4. In charging mode, the red light is. It can be fully charged in 2-3 hours. With a full charge, it can be used continuously for 4-5 hours.
Anions density 1000Wpcs/cm3
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