紧急求购制作工作服的面料 能生产的工厂请及时跟我联系: 13735649706 小余Worker wear coverall fabric :
Wintry Fabric :冬季面料
Composition : 60% cotton + 40 % polyester . Blended . 棉涤混纺
Weight : 220 – 230 Gm / aqm .
Width : 150 cm .
Creases resistance . 防皱
Shrinking in water and dry cleaning : 2 % max .
Pilling resisting . 仿起球
Tenacity : warp = 120 kg . weft 60 kg. 韧性
Supplied in rolls 60 meters as one piece .
Colour shading in not accepted and empaty from spinning and weaving faults .
Colour fastness and washing and rubbing perspiration and light : 4-5 .
Qty : 79.000 meters (Blue colour) + 79.000 meters (Black colour)
Total qty : 158.000 Meters .
Summery fabric :
Composition : 60% cotton + 40 % polyester . Blended .
Weight : 180-190 Gm / aqm .
Width : 150 cm .
Creases resistance .
Shrinking in water and dry cleaning : 2 % max .
Pilling resisting .
Tenacity : warp = 100 kg . weft 50 kg.
Supplied in rolls 60 meters as one piece .
Colour shading in not accepted and empaty from spinning and weaving faults .
Colour fastness and washing and rubbing perspiration and light : 4-5 .
Qty : 79.000 meters (Blue colour) + 79.000 meters (Black colour)
Total qty : 158.000 Meters
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