加拿大进出口外贸pvc手套(CE FDA认证)


    2004年,产品通过了欧盟的CE认证。2005年,产品通过的美国FDA 注册。2007年,产品通过了ISO13485 及 ISO9001认证,公司建立了完善的质量监控和检验体系,公司管理程序严格按照ISO13485的标准和GMP的要求执行。2008年,新上自动脱模生产线4条。2009年,生产线达到 24条,年产量达到2,736,000,000支。
    联系人:李先生  QQ:173655077  msn: [email protected]

ZIBO HENGCHANG PLASTIC&RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., LTD was established in 2003. Assets: US$4,000,000; Employees: 400roduct line: 4; Annual capacity: 420,000,000 gloves.
ZIBO HENGCHANG PLASTIC&RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., LTD is the first enterprise of ZIBO Industrial Park.
• In 2004, ZIBO HENGCHANG PLASTIC&RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., LTD started to participate in trade fairs abroad, our product has been recognized by foreign customers, products exported to the United States, Britain and Germany ect, this year 4 new production lines were added, the staff has reached more than 400, and gloves reached 840,000,000,in this year our gloves passed European Union CE certification.
• In 2005, after the technical update of production line and we are in leading level of domestic market, this year we passed the U.S. FDA registration.
• In 2006, production lines reached 12, with an annual output 1,368,000,000 gloves
• In 2007, the product passed the ISO13485 and ISO9001 certification, the company has established perfect quality control and testing systems, all procedures are in strict accordance with the ISO13485 standards and the implementation of GMP requirements.
• In 2008, production lines have reached 20, annual production is about 2,280,000,000 gloves. And we add 4 new automatic de-mould production lines.
• In 2009, automatic de-mould production lines launched in June and production lines have reached 24, the annual production output reach 2,736,000,000 gloves.
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  ·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需



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加拿大电商EN10204-3.1 材质报告

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