We will Need rolls of automotive wire many different colour options So I can make the new wiring to go inside the cars we are building.
Requirements for the wire:
*Size 30 -100m or more rolls
*cable must come on holder like in picture
*Cable thickness 2mm, 3mm, 4mm
2) To make the wiring harnous I will also need connectors simular to in these links:
http://www.alibaba.com/product-g ... roof_connector.html
http://www.alibaba.com/product-g ... ctor_4P_5_08mm.html
* 1 pin connectors, 2 pin, 3 pin 4 pin - many pin we can get in one plug etc
* water proof and non water proof options
Want to have one range of water proof with all pin options and same in non water proof
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