Bank Transfer 即银行转账,银行汇款,付款方提交付款申请给当地银行,(须知收款人的公司名称、账户信息、开户行)付款方付款后,将付款水单发给收款方,收款方在收到水单,确认金额入账后,给一份收款证明及税务局的纳税证明给到付款方。
通过Bank Transfer,付款方需要承担16% GST/PST and 2% witholding
Cross cheque 即转账支票,支票的抬头是收款的公司,付款方在银行格式的转账支票上写上收款方的抬头,支付的大小写金额币制,写上签名(付款方在银行备案人的签字)和盖公司的公章。
通过Cross cheque,付款方需要承担16% GST/PST and 2% witholding
Cash Cheque 即现金支票,现金支票上只写PAY CASH,支付的金额大小写,付款方的签字及盖章。
付款方复印一份Cash Cheque, 让收款方来取票的人在复印件上签字盖章。正本交收款方。收款方领取现金支票后,到银行将现金提取出来。
此时的风险是,如果付款方给收款方的支付的费用不含16% GST/PST and 2% witholding,收款方就没有纳税证明给付款方。一旦税务查付款方的账目往来,没有纳税证明。税务必将直接从付款方银行扣款。
Cash现金 现金支付用于小额支付比较方便,但是大额支付,就有如下风险:1.收款方携带不方便
2.万一收款方不承认,没有证据 3.大额的,税务查起来,没有纳税证明,必将面临罚款。
Terms and Conditions:
1- Prices are exclusive of all kind of duties and taxes.
2- Prices are inclusive of loading at origin and unloading at destination.
3-50% Payment will be made in advance after signing of the contract and remaining 50% after completion of job within seven days.
4-50% Advance payment will be made within 3 dyas after submittion of invoices by you.
5-In case payment is made through cross checque than 16% GST/PST and 2% witholding will be applicable on these prices ( I.e. that in these taxes will be over and above the quoted price).
6-Detention charges as under:
For Lowbed PKR: 10,000/-
For Highbed PKR 8,000/-
7-The vehicles will be placed at the port according to the placement program provided by your custom agent and the detention charges will be applicable according to placement program.
8- The unloading site should be fully preapred alongwitht the concenred staff for unloading of the consignment to avoid unneccessory delays.
9-The quoted prices are only for loading, transportation and unloading. They do not inlcude any other work (i.e civil works, site maintainess, or any other
加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一 加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款
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