

How do rich Chinese elude foreign exchange laws to move their money abroad? Take your pick of ways

Besides the Bank of China Youhuitong service, which has come under scrutiny after state media alleged it may be breaking foreign exchange laws, the following seven methods are used to transfer money overseas.

Family and friends

Split the transfer among as many identities as possible. With 20 people, its easy to transfer USD1 million out of the country. This has been a popular way to avoid the restrictions. It is also low in cost. Many think its the best method for transfers of less than USD1 million.

Underground money changers

A client transfers funds to the money changers mainland account first. Then the money changer will remit the equivalent in foreign currency to the customers overseas account. However, these underground money changers usually only do business with people they know. Immigration agencies may help introduce them.

Private banking

Banks on the mainland help their wealthy clients open overseas accounts within the same bank. After that, they can apply for loans overseas and get foreign currency. Usually this method requires deposits of between 6 million and 10 million yuan (HK Dollar7.5 million to HK Dollar12.6 million).


After setting up offshore companies, owners on the mainland can either use fake trade contracts to transfer money or they can report high import prices and low export prices to help money flow overseas.

Direct business investment

Company owners or board members can choose to invest in foreign companies. It s easy for them to transfer money out. State authorities have been encouraging private companies to expand overseas and have cut out many complicated procedures on foreign exchange.


People who have married a foreign citizen can more easily transfer money out.

Travel with cash

For those who choose to take a large risk.
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as The many ways of moving money

http://www.scmp.com/business/ban ... take-your-pick-ways
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