


According to Lawrence Summers, former US Minister of Finance, "B2B e-commerce is not just a tide, but a river. And it will keep on broadening and developing till ideal trading pattern.", said he when commenting on e-commerce. And fortunately, ttnet.net has been in the "river" since 1995. A yellow tornado, ttnet.net, had swept along Canton Fair in October 2002, and has projected its image into Mainland China market of B2B platforms successfully and has earned a lot of respect and favor.

Based on the introduction by the Patty Hung, the CEO of Trade Yellow Pages Group, ttnet.net contains a large number of product information, supplier data, also multilateral business information, and is now a rare professional B2B portal site in Asia. To serve buyers and suppliers, its establisher, Trade Yellow Pages Group continues promoting trading worldwide with combination of 30-year more experience, network, periodicals and exhibition.

The visiting rate of ttnet.net per month is up to 1.8 million. Furthermore, over 100 thousand suppliers and over 200 thousand products take ttne.net as the beachhead for trading online. Why is ttnet.net so successful? "Our main force is to provide global enterprises a whole suit of integrated marketing communication with trinity strategy- e-commerce, periodicals and trading shows. In Addition, we promote trading by joining   more than 100 exhibitions, one million copies of various kinds of   special issues, and professional network platform. Therefore, the number of products in ttnet.net grows at the rate of 30% steadily; the number of suppliers keeps on increasing 12% every year. And then ttnet.net attracts more businessmen to come and visit.", said Patty.

ttnet.net is devoted to constructing flawless environment for message searching.  For this reason, it's divided into two sites, "
www.ttnet.net" and "cn.ttnet.net", to match many-sided trading demand of buyers and suppliers. With the colorful functions attached to buyers special and suppliers special respectively, ttnet.net is proud and progressing. ttnet.net director-general of  marketing thinks that to open up the best two-way communication and provide great searching system is an urgent business, and also the motive power for ttnet.net.  

"Find buyers for suppliers, find suppliers for buyers" is ttnet.net's primary ideas, and the ultimate goal, too. It provides some brand-benefits below for buyers: 1.Low down purchasing cost, 2.Reduce cost of communication, 3.Cut sourcing time, 4.Accurate product categories, 5.Increase contact range, 6.Raise up matchmaking preciseness, and 7. Encourage interaction between both sides. Patty said furthermore, "The trend-leading B2B, ttnet.net has endeavored to become the omnibearing trading info provider in the Greater China". In recent five years, Trade Yellow Pages Group has expanded their service spots unceasingly. Besides, strengthening network-trading groups is the constant target of ttnet.net, and it is expected to be a global trading hub and product-promoting center.

    据美国前财政部长Lawrence Summers在评论电子商务时所说:“B2B 电子商务不仅仅是一个小小的潮流,更是江河大势。并且它的覆盖面会变得更宽广,直至发展成为一个理想的贸易模式。”而ttnet.net早在1995年已经幸运地跻身于此大潮之中。ttnet.net,一股黄色的飓风,横扫了2002年10月的广交会,并且已经成功描绘了进军中国B2B平台市场的蓝图,赢得了各界的关注和好评。
    基于贸易黄页集团总裁(直译:怀疑原文有问题---意译:文笔集团总裁)Patty Hung(据我所知是谢顺笔董事长)的介绍,ttnet.net包含了大量产品信息,供应商资料,以及多元化的商业信息,现今已成为亚洲罕有的专业化电子商务网站。它服务于买家和供应商,文笔集团将结合30多年来积累的经验,以及网络工作,期刊和展会继续促进全球贸易。
    ttnet.net 的访问量已经提升至180万。不仅如此,有超过10万供应商和20万种产品以ttne.net平台做为网上贸易的滩头阵地。为什么ttnet.net如此成功?patty 总裁说:“我们的主要优势力量在于我们给全球企业提供了一套综合化,市场化,通信化三位一体的电子商务平台,期刊和贸易展会。另外我们通过参加100多个展会,100万份各式各样的特殊传单,以及专业化的网络平台。因此ttnet网上的产品数量年以30%的速度稳步增长;供应商这一每年12%的数量递增。并且ttnet.net吸引了更多的商人到访。”---(个人认为more and more越来越多的人比较好...另外最后的come and vist---对于精明的外国人来说,看意思相同的字简直是在浪费他们的时间,还不如让初中生来改一个visit and use.)
    ‘ 为买家寻找供应商,为供应商寻找买家,’是ttnet.net的首要观念,也是最终目的。它也给买家提供了一些品牌上的利益:1.降低购买成本,2.减少通讯花费,----(low download 最好用price,reduce最好用cost。作者本身的英语功底似乎有点问题。)3.减少时间损耗,提高工效。4.精确化产品分类。5.增加联系的方式渠道。6.提升匹配度的准确性。7.促进双方合作,patty进一步说“ttnet.net作为B2B的潮流领航者,在日益强健中国已努力地成为全方位贸易信息提供者。”在最近五年中,文笔集团不断地扩增服务点,---同时,逐渐强壮的网络贸易团体们---(真是令人误解的一句---建议改成Besides,strengthening the groups through the network-trading is the ...这样就翻译成:通过网络贸易强化众多贸易团体,是ttnet.net的永久目标。----其实吧groups 直接去掉也行,但是这样就显示不出强化的利益对象了。)而且它期望能成为全球贸易和产品推广的中心。

[ 本帖最后由 leobalancewang 于 2008-12-5 13:54 编辑 ]




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