有一个英国的客人,需要一些样品寄给他们在尼日利亚的客户,刚联系没多久他就让他们那边的银行工作人员把货款用电子汇款转了过来,可是好几天查都没有收到货款,问这个英国的客人,他回复如下:i have seen the message, its my bank email and i called and ask why they send that to you they told me that they are trying to protect you and me not to be scammed and cheated that why they did not release money transfer reference number to you until they confirm the shipment from you.
you can send to them the shipment number and they will release money transfer reference number for you to cash out the money directly from your account okay and once you send them the shipment just alert me okay.
问题:客人那边的银行要看到发货的Tracking number才放款,我是要先发货告诉客人Tracking number还是该如何处理好呢?各位前辈有什么高招啊?请帮帮忙!不胜感激!
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