Initial quote reply
Hello Jeff,(initial contact, make thing clear before quote)
I am Jim Young with Pacificpromos.biz and I have been asked to contact you in order to help with this order. Of course I am familiar with this trash container because it is used every where. What I am confused about is the size of it. Can you tell me if this is a novelty item? Did I read the sizes wrong?
Yes we can make it for you we just want to be sure of the sizes before we quote it for you and I am sure you want the same thing. I see on your web site that there are many things we can do for you also, so we want to make it right. That is where I come in making sure the translation is understood. To tell you the truth some times I say zig and the Chinese hear zag, but the quality of workmanship is always on time. The advantage is my wife is Chinese and helps me here.
So id you can help me with this information I can take it from there as your sales rep here in America to be sure we are on time with your project.
Thanks for your help and the opportunity
Jim Young
morning David, (判斷客人)
I will chase this man if you want, but i feel he is full of bull shit!.
This is an inquiry that we will spend a lot of time on before we ever sell anything to and then he only want minimum order we will allow him to order. The truth is I don’t think he has the money. He is a student at this college and wishing for the future. It is up to you, if you want I will stay in contact with him and chase him. I need more information and asked him for it and he is wanting us to tell him his answer. Let me see if I can get more from him.
Fri, 22 May 2009 01:08:18 -0400
Hi Mr. Habal,
Thank you for your inquiring about the magic 8 ball. At this time every one in China is asleep but I will have the quote for you tonight and send it to you in the morning.(快速回覆客人並給個時間)
Thank you again for finding us
Jim Young
Dear Mr. Bryan Haines,
This is the price quote you requested complete with duty and freight to the address you gave us. I hope it will work for you, so just let us know what we can do from here.
Thank You for the opportunity
Jim Young
Pricing to Greenwood, Nova Scotia Canada B0P 1N0 via Sea Freight
Quantity Canada BOP 1N0 Price Total Lead Time
5,000 2.25 60 days
10,000 1.91 60 days
15,000 1.75 60 days
20,000 1.69 60 days
Sample time is 7 days
Set up charge is $150.00
How is the Bungee key chain business going? Does it look like we have your business? We will really appreciate you.
Thanks Of course we hope just like you. I am sure for a positive return.(在客人有回覆的有禮reply)
Thank You
Hi Bryan,
Haven’t heard from you and was wondering if you are happy with every thing. Or is there anything I can do for you.(很間接的follow客人)
Thank You
Hi Brad,
I was wanting to see if the samples they sent you are what you are looking for? They should be but I need to make sure you are happy?
Hello Dan,
How did the quote go for you? Can we be of any service?
Hello Dan,
I just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for the opportunity. I can only guess we didn’t get the order because we some how failed to supply you with what you wanted. If in the future I can be of service please let me know. (接不到生意的follow, 重在维持客人关系)
—– Original Message —–
From: < dan@ >
To: “Jyoung”
Sent: 2009-05-12 23:00:27 +0800
Subject: Pricing for DWJX83029(为什么一个老美老是搞不清楚我们的报价方式, 而一定是我们的说明方式不太对所造成的)
Usually we don’t need to figure in what it costs from China as you are FOB California. I and my customers want it broken down per bag, and the extra imprint charges are given separately.
You have on your website that the DWJX costs 1.54 for 500qty. So does one have to add China shipping costs of on top of that? Just give the price of each bag.
If my price is $1.17 per bag, that’s it. If I have to add shipping costs from China they are obviously more. But you are saying that the cost of 1500 of the DWJX83029′s is $1755.00 including freight, then that works out to $1.17/bag, which is all I need to know. ($1.54, $1.17, $1.755把客人搞昏了,他以为不同的数量是等比级数)
I know I need to add shipping costs from California to wherever they are going, so please give me an estimate of how much shipping (standard Ground) would be for 1500 bags with two side imprint from your California location to Washington State, zip code 98052.
(业务活重是一个排除疑惑的过程, 事前猜客人的意思愈准,会得到愈好的互动沟通结果)
Thank you.
Why not contact some of the american suppliers and see how fast the reply time is. I think you will find it to be at the slowest within 24 hours. I expected to have an answer within 2 – 3 hours at times or i looked some where else. If we do nothing but contact them immediately and let the customer know we see them it is best and then go through the quote process with them.
Service is the most important thing here in America. please believe me on this one factor. Americans will not wait with patience like the Chinese will. Your culture has waited a long time to be in the place you are going now. Americans are very impatient and want every thing at once. Just like myself when I talk about expanding over here sales fast. It is all I can do to say at my present job until Ge can come over here.
I know there is an empire to build over here and I want to start at once. Yet my hands and feet are tied because of the visa approval for her. There is much work to be done here.
Also we must always remember that what we sell to our customers is items and products, , ,
but what they are buying is a better method of reaching customers and giving away something that makes them see their name every day in front of them.
You know that most of the things we send over is free to the clients customers, right? that is why they look for good price and service to save on their advertising costs
I will look at when i am back at my computer but it is a good explanation of what we do. I wish you would remove the words negotiation and let the customer say that word first.
All Americans do not want to negotiate like the Chinese people. Actually i do not negotiate with anyone when i buy. They have a good dealor i leave the business.
I never argue with people. Even in the auto business where i work. The customer does not like the car and price i will let them leave first.
Price can never over come quality! Is my view. Good customer know we need profit and saves time. Americans most important value is time to themselves. So i give fair price and profit to them and stay. This method builds trust for the future sales.
Good business men not pay assistant to shop and shop again on the internet for items. I would dismiss quickley any employee of mine i see on internet when i am paying to do work!
So if we can build trusting relationship with best and quickest service and delivery we can build this trust and be very sucessfu with smallest effort = more profit. You think?
What you have written is to begin the trust i think.
Yes Jim
2 things we need soon. I think is good to call or email customers after delivery to ask if they happy and if not why? Other is survey form asking how can we do better service. Same thing for customer we do not sell so we can know why and learn from.
Always give customer a little better and little more than they ask for on order so they feel important and not just customer for money. They always feel they get money worth of value. I always feel better when i go to dinner and am given a little mint or piece candy.
But i like sweet things ha!
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