谢谢,需要关键词,比如:test machine这些,因为我该想的都想了,需要更多,二类关键词也可以。
42840 Metal testing equipment 金属检测仪
4284001 Testing equipment, non-destructive (NDT), for metals and metal products 金属和金属制品用无损探伤设备
4284002 Tensile testing machines for metals 韧性检测机,用于金属
4284003 Testing machines, transverse shear, for metals 检测机,横切力的,用于金属
4284004 Hardness testing machines, metal 硬度检测机,用于金属
4284005 Test equipment, eddy current, for comparative hardness and material identity tests of metals 检测设备,涡流的,用于比较硬度和金属材料特性检测
4284006 Wear testing equipment, abrasion testing with friction 磨损检测装置
4284007 Testing equipment, solderability 可焊度检测设备
4284008 Calipers and dividers, metalwork 金属加工用卡尺,两脚规
4284009 Stress and strain detection and measuring equipment for metals 应力和应变探测和测量设备,用于金属
4284010 Test equipment for metal conductivity 检测设备,用于金属导电
4284012 Testing equipment, metal structure 金属结构检测装置
4284013 Testing equipment, non-destructive (NDT), for determining the chemical composition of metals 确定金属化学成份的无损检验设备
4284014 Apparatus for determining the carbon and ferrite content of iron and steel 仪器,用于探测铁和钢中的碳和有色金属含量
4284015 Measuring apparatus, grain size in metal 测量仪器,测金属粒度的
4284017 Test equipment, electronic and mechanical, metal resistance to petrochemical products 检测设备,电子和机械式,金属电阻,用于石油化工产品
4284018 Corrosion meters and corrosion testing machines 腐蚀检测装置
4284019 Alloy analysers 合金分析仪
4284020 Testing equipment, hot metals 热金属检测设备
4284021 Testing machines for steel 检测设备,用于钢
4284022 Salt spray testing cabinets for metals 盐水喷射检测箱,用于金属
4284030 Sheet metal testing equipment, cupping test equipment 金属板检测设备压凹试验设备
4284031 Detectors, ferrous metal in foil 探测器,测箔中的铁类金属的
4284032 Testing equipment for metal pipes and tubes 金属管道的检测设备
4284033 Test benches for metal pipes and tubes 金属管道的试验台
4284034 Testing equipment for metal springs 金属弹簧试验机
4284035 Testing machines, chain, wire rope and cordage 链条、钢丝绳和绳索检测机
4284036 Testing equipment for enamelled wire 检测设备,用于搪瓷金属丝
4284037 Tension meters, wire production and processing 张力仪,金属线生产和加工用
4284038 Test equipment, non-destructive (NDT), for iron castings 测试设备,无损(无损检测) ,用于铸铁件
4284039 Testing equipment, solder, tin content 检测设备,测焊条锡含量的
4284040 Testing equipment, welding crack 焊接裂痕检验器
4284041 Test equipment, crack detection, for billets 检测设备,断裂探测的,用于坯料
4284042 Testing equipment for metal plating and surface treatments 检测设备,金属电镀和表面处理的
4284043 Holiday test equipment, wire and pipe coating flaw detectors 假日检测设备,线管和管道覆层探伤仪
4284045 Test benches, metallographic 金相分析台和设备
4284051 Test equipment, optical comparator type, for metals 检测设备,光学比较仪型,用于金属
4284052 Certified reference materials, metallurgical 检定标准材料,冶金的
4284053 Recording instruments, photographic or graphic, for the mechanical testing of metals 记录仪器,摄像的或图像的,用于金属机械检测
42850 Telecommunication measuring and testing equipment 通信系统检测仪
4285024 Test and fault detection equipment for mobile telephones (cellular phones) 检测设备和故障检测设备,用于移动电话(手机)
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谢谢你,我们主要产品如以下:但我在中国制造网上发布,我用的关键词都是:test machine, testing equipment,tesing chamber,tester,Testing Machine,Universal Testing Machine,Test Instrument,meter etc.....因为这些都是一类关键词,用的人很多,很多产品可能搜出来重复,我想要二类关键词,和产品相关的,谢谢!
"Constant temperature and humidity test machine
/High & Low temperature test chamber"
"Low temperature test chamber
/High & Low temperature test chamber"
Rapid temperature change test chamber
Thermal shock test chamber
Temperature、Humidity、Vibration combined test chamber
Walk-in environment laboratory
Sand and dust test chamber
Xenon lamp weather test chamber
Ultraviolet test machine
Rain test chamber
Salt spray test chamber
Keypad life test machine
Mobile phone cover test machine
Mobile phone silde machine
Mobile Touch screen click/line draw tes machine
Pneumatic mobile soft compression test machine
Electronic mobile soft compression test machine
Drum drop test machine
Small product drop test machine
Single/arms packaging drop test machine
Mobile phone micro drop test machine
Mechanical vibration test rig
Simulating motor transport vibration test rig
Headphones torsion/ Wear headphones/ pull force test machine
Mobile phone comprehensive test machine
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