


  Hi Joe,

  I appreciate your approach very much, thank you for the explanations.

  We've been in that business for many years, so we know about the material range used for this product line (I mean designers furniture), thatswhy we're requesting detailled material descriptions from prospective suppliers. And actually you did this part very well.

  First of all I want to ask you if we can have the ability to see your sample products exported before to any retailer in the U.S. ? If you can give any retailers address here we can examine there easily your products. Otherwise a representative of our company should visit your factory and examine the products in China.

  The forwarder from China is not a problem, we have a consultant in China for paperwork etc.

  If we can establish a business partnership in the future shipments will be container based.

  We would like to see also the latest product pictures you took and prices.

  Thank you for your cooperation, hope to hear from you soon.



  Hi Joe,

  Thank you very much for the pics and the prices, they look good, howver I do have some additional questions for you, regarding the Barcelona chair, I saw in your dimensions that the height you have is 87 cm, however the real one is 76 cm , can you make that adjustment if required, and does your chair has leather straps at he back and under not visiable, and the third question how thick are your cushions...

  Further I would like to know if your partner factory can make some additional fibreglass items if requested, I will send you some pics from some of the items so you can see what the possibilities are.

  Than I really like to order some sample items from you, as the ball and the egg chair, so where do we go from here i will transfer the amounts requested, and than you can arrange a forwarder who will ship it to us, at our costs.

  let me know what to do,

  I hope to hear from you soon,



  Oh, I meant to thank you for the many pictures that you have sent me. Moreover, I thank you for documenting the shipping procedures and packaging of the item.

  I am very, very impressed. I will share your images with the client. They too will be impressed, I have no doubt.

  Again, many thanks.

  Best, Erkan


  Hi Joe Lan,

  I thanks you very much for all the information, I am really impressed with your choice of materials and your pursuit for perfection, these are the companies we like to work with since we serve the higher segments of the European market, so regarding your terms and conditions these are no problem for us...So lets take this a little further and show me the new pics you have taken and the FOB prices of all the classic items you sell. Then I want some more information from you since you also offered me the Ball chair I may assume that you also do fiberglass furniture or do you outsource that to partner factories...and is your company interested in working on new designs and the development from that...what I like to hear rom you is what possibilities you have to offer, besides the classics since I saw on one of your pictures also a white upholstered modern stainless steel chair...

  I will inform you a little bit more abour our company we are located in Bali, where we design high quality solid wooden furniture for several high end retailers in the UK, Sweden, Norway, Germany, you can have a look at our range at , however most of our customers also are looking for modern classics and retro furniture as the ball chair and several other products as modern stainless steel items and upholstered furniture...for all these requests we are looking for reliable partners whi like to work and thinks with us...at this stage we export around 8 till 10 containers a month from China mostly modern classics as the Barcelona , eames lounger and stool the LC 1/2/3 series, but as I mentioned before we are absolutely looking for the best quality available....and regarding your knowledge about steel and leather qualities and designers backrounds I feel that you and your company will offer that expertise we are looking for.

  So I hope to see and hear from you soon,




  Dear Joe

  I am the manager of a french company. We have show rooms in France and we are interested in different of your products. I am very impressed by the luxury material you are using,and from every words I can see your confidence of your products.

  The picture looks so nice.here are the items I am interested.

  Product Item:HZ-CF012 and HZ-CF005

  In a first time to see the real quality as picture shown of your product, we would like to buy one sample of both references. Is it possible ? And what is your best price for the both samples C&F france - Marseille ?

  Thank you by advance for your answer, and I hope do good business in the future.

  Best regards.


  hello mr. lau,

  thank you for the really good service by sending me so much fotos from your

  studio. I have decided to order next week 3-4 barcelona chairs and- if I will sell them in Germany-

  one or two ball chairs. I really trust your company and especially you and I won? need any test-sendings.

  You will get the entire money after I have sold these articles here in Germany, this will

  take one week. After that I will give you the information that you have got the money.

  I said my customers that the production- as you said- will take 20 days and the shipping 25 days.

  You see, I?l first get the money from my customers and then I?l get the payment to your account.

  Thank you for the patience and the real good communication, your informations were very

  helpful for my plannings and my orders which will be done at your company in future.

  many many greetings to shenzhen!

  Yours, Antonio



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