加拿大进出口外贸TRX 侵权导致PAYPAL账户冻结的案子请进来 Case No. 16-cv-9267


前几天接到一封 Greer, Burns & Crain (一家美国律师事务所, 专门通过告中国卖家来赚钱)的邮件, 说我们侵犯TRX的商标, 该公司的名字为: Fitness Anywhere LLC, owner of the TRX Trademarks。
稍后就接到PAYPAL的电话说账户被冻结, 原因是这家律所申请法院冻结PAYPAL.

现有部分PAYPAL账号持有人正在联合应诉, 请有想一起应诉的卖有加入qq群:  575460360


We represent Fitness Anywhere LLC, owner of the TRX Trademarks, in anti-counterfeiting matters. Plaintiff has charged you and other Defendants in a Complaint with violations related to trademark infringement and counterfeiting laws. A United States Federal District Court has issued a Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”) permitting our client to transfer your domain to our control and/or restrain funds in your PayPal account.

A copy of the Complaint and TRO is available at <http://gbcinternetenforcement.net/16-9267>, which will be updated regularly throughout these proceedings. You are advised to seek U.S. legal counsel.

If you believe that you have been improperly linked to this case or received this email in error, promptly contact us at [email protected] so that we can further investigate your claim.


Dear Sir:

We represent Fitness Anywhere LLC, owner of the TRX Trademarks, in anti-counterfeiting matters.  A lawsuit has been filed in United States Federal District Court to shut down websites selling products bearing a counterfeit version of our client’s trademark(s).  A copy of the Amended Complaint and an Injunction issued in the lawsuit is available at <http://gbcinternetenforcement.net/16-9267>;, which will be updated regularly throughout these proceedings.  A list of relevant trademark registrations is available in the Amended Complaint.

The Court has issued an injunction permitting our client to freeze funds in any related financial accounts. Our client is seeking over $2 million in damages per defendant as authorized by 15 U.S.C. Section 1117 as well as attorney fees.

Our investigation has determined that your account is linked to the information listed in Schedule A attached to the Amended Complaint and TRO. Specifically, it is linked to the Online Marketplace Account identified, associated with the AliExpress account , which was confirmed to be selling products bearing counterfeits of at least the TRX Trademark.

Each Defendant shall immediately serve upon Fitness Anywhere LLC a written report under oath providing:

(a) their true name and physical address,

(b) all websites on any platform that they own and/or operate,

(c) their financial accounts, including all PayPal accounts, and

(d) the steps taken by each Defendant to comply with paragraph 1, a through f, of the Injunction.

This email also confirms your obligation to preserve any evidence that may be relevant to these proceedings, including computer records, sales records and inventory of unsold counterfeit products.

You are advised to seek U.S. legal counsel.


Greer, Burns & Crain
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